django-meta-mixin provides a mixin to handle metadata in your models.
Actual data are evaluated at runtime pulling values from model attributes and methods.
To use it, defines a _metadata attribute as a dictionary of tag/value pairs;
- tag is the name of the metatag as used by meta.html template
- value is a string that is evaluated in the following order:
- model method name (which is called without argument at runtime)
- model attribute name (evaluated at runtime)
- string literal (if any of the above exists)
If value is False or it is evaluated as False at runtime the tag is skipped.
To use this mixin you must invoke as_meta() on the model instance for example in the get_context_data().
From PyPi:
pip install django-meta-mixin
From github:
pip install -e git+
Add to installed apps along with
:INSTALLED_APPS = [ ... 'meta', 'meta_mixin', ]
according to documentation ( meta information to your model:
from django.db import models from meta_mixin.models import ModelMeta class MyModel(ModelMeta, models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=20) abstract = models.TextField() ... _metadata = { 'title': 'name', 'description': 'abstract', ... }
Push metadata in the context using as_meta method:
class MyView(DetailView): ... def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super(MyView, self).get_context_data(self, **kwargs) context['meta'] = self.get_object().as_meta() return context
Include meta_mixin/meta.html template in your templates:
{% load sekizai_tags %} <html {% render_block 'html_extra' %}> <head> {% include "meta_mixin/meta.html" %} </head> <body> </body> </html>
For Google+ support you must add {% render_block 'html_extra' %} in your template to add object type definition. See relevant Google+ snippets documentation (
Look at the example folder for a sample implementation.
django-meta-mixin currently supports the following properties:
- title: object title,
- description: generic object description, used for SEO and as default for specific description,
- keywords: generic keywords for SEO
- locale: advertised object locale (if any)
- image: image to display for object
- object_type: default object type
- published_time: date-time of publishing
- modified_time: date-time of modification
- expiration_time: date-time of expiration
- url: canonical object url
- og_description: object description in Open Graph
- og_type: object type in Open Graph
- og_app_id: Facebook App ID
- og_profile_id: Author's Facebook profileID
- og_publisher: Facebook URL to publisher's profile
- og_author_url: Facebook URL to author's profile
- tag: object tags
- twitter_description: object description on Twitter card (currently 200 chars max)
- twitter_type: twitter card type
- twitter_site: Website twitter account
- twitter_author: Author twitter account
- gplus_description: object description
- gplus_type: object type according to types
- gplus_author: Author Google+ account
Some of the above properties can be set either in the model or via settings paramaters
- image: META_DEFAULT_IMAGE (must be an absolute URL)
- object_type: META_SITE_TYPE
- og_type: META_FB_TYPE
- og_app_id: META_FB_APPID
- og_profile_id: META_FB_PROFILE_ID
- og_publisher: META_FB_PUBLISHER
- og_author_url: META_FB_AUTHOR_URL
- twitter_type: META_TWITTER_TYPE
- twitter_site: META_TWITTER_SITE
- twitter_author: META_TWITTER_AUTHOR
- gplus_type: META_GPLUS_TYPE
- gplus_author: META_GPLUS_AUTHOR