Protocol Buffers v3.11.0-rc1
- Make serialization method naming consistent
- Make proto runtime + generated code free of deprecation warnings
- Moved ShutdownProtobufLibrary() to message_lite.h. For backward compatibility a declaration is still available in stubs/common.h, but users should prefer message_lite.h
- Removed non-namespace macro EXPECT_OK()
- Removed mathlimits.h from stubs in favor of using std::numeric_limits from C++11
- Fixed bug in parser when ending on a group tag
- Add a helper function to UnknownFieldSet to deal with the changing return value of message::unknown_fields()
- Fix incorrect use of string_view iterators
- Support direct pickling of nested messages
- Skip extension tag validation for MessageSet if unknown dependencies are allowed
- Updated deprecation macros to annotate deprecated code (#6612)
- Remove conversion warning in MapEntryFuncs::ByteSizeLong (#6766)
- Remove the usage of MethodHandle, so that Android users prior to API version 26 can use protobuf-java
- Publish ProGuard config for javalite
- Fix for StrictMode disk read violation in ExtensionRegistryLite
- Include part of the ByteString's content in its toString().
- Include unknown fields when merging proto3 messages in Java lite builders
- Add float_precision option in json format printer
- Optionally print bytes fields as messages in unknown fields, if possible
- FieldPath: fix testing IsSet on root path ''
- Experimental code gen (fast import protobuf module) which only work with cpp generated code linked in
- Remove guard for Symbol iterator for jspb.Map
- Ruby lazy wrappers optimization (#6797)
- (RepeatedField): Capacity property to resize the internal array (#6530)
- Experimental proto2 support is now officially available (#4642, #5183, #5350, #5936)
- Getting started doc:
- Add length checks to ExtensionCollection (#6759)
- Optimize parsing of some primitive and wrapper types (#6843)
- Use 3 parameter Encoding.GetString for default string values (#6828)
- Change _Extensions property to normal body rather than expression (#6856)
Objective C
- Fixed unaligned reads for 32bit arm with newer Xcode versions (#6678)