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Prost Lab

Prost Lab is a Python package for performing experiments with the Prost planner. It is based on the Lab toolkit, so most of the Lab documentation is also relevant for Prost Lab.

Setting up Prost Lab

To set up the virtual environment for Prost Lab in the directory /path/to/prostlab-venv, perform the following steps:

  • cd /path/to/prostlab-venv (switch to directory)
  • python3 -m venv prostlab-venv (create virtual environment)
  • source prostlab-venv/bin/activate (activate the virtual environment)
  • pip install -U pip (upgrade pip)
  • pip install prostlab (install prostlab)

If you want to install the latest development version and/or need to change Prost Lab itself, you can clone the Prost Lab repository and install it in the virtual environment:

  • git clone (clone the repo)
  • cd prostlab (switch into prostlab directory)
  • pip install --editable ./ (install prostlab)

In both cases, you need to define two environment variables to perform experiments with Prost Lab:

  • PROST_BENCHMARKS points to the testbed/benchmarks directory of your prost clone
  • RDDLSIM_ROOT points to the root directory of rddlsim

Performing an experiment

See the Prost wiki for information on how to perform an experiment with Prost using Prost Lab.