These system was deployed and executed on an Ubuntu 20.04 OS and the Python interpreter is Python 3.8.5.
First, create a virtual environment
python3 -m venv gui_venv
source gui_venv/bin/activate
Clone this repository and install requirements
git clone
cd iris-recognition_gui
pip install -r requirements.txt
Make migrations, export django settings to environment
python migrate
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=gui_config.settings
Create superuser. Run the command below and provide your name and password at the prompt.
python createsuperuser
Run server
python runserver
Click the "register a new profile" button on the home page or enter the url "localhost:8000/admin/" At the admin panel, click on "Add new profile". Fill in the profile details and enter a valid iris image for identifying the profile.
Navigate back to the home screen at "localhost:8000" and login to view any profile detail.