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Native Histograms

Closed Nov 11, 2024 100% complete

This milestone is mostly about merging the new native histograms (AKA sparse histograms AKA high-res histograms) into the main branch of this repository, and only after that about declaring native histograms a stable feature. Therefore, the priorities have a slightly different meaning (because the issues do not affect the released versions before we merge…

This milestone is mostly about merging the new native histograms (AKA sparse histograms AKA high-res histograms) into the main branch of this repository, and only after that about declaring native histograms a stable feature. Therefore, the priorities have a slightly different meaning (because the issues do not affect the released versions before we merge to the main branch):

  • P0: The sparsehistogram branch is outright broken until this is fixed.
  • P1: We must fix this before merging to main.
  • P2: We can merge to main without this but we need to fix this to declare Histograms stable.
  • P3: Nice to have. Can be introduced later without a breaking change.
  • P4: The future! Do not focus on this for now.

Note that the main work happens in where the work is also tracked in a milestone.

This milestone is closed.

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