Welcome to DoubtShare, the ultimate platform for collaborative learning and knowledge sharing! DoubtShare is crafted to seamlessly connect learners and experts, fostering an environment where questions can be posed, doubts can be shared, and knowledge can be exchanged effortlessly. It is powered by AI Chat Support, delivers an instant assistance and personalized guidance, ensuring a more interactive and enriching educational journey.
Frontend HTML CSS JavaScript for a dynamic and responsive user interface.
Database MySQL for scalable and flexible data storage.
Backend SpringBoot, JWT- Spring security, Project Lombok, Spring Data JPA
Real-time Updates SpringBoot @Scheduled annotation
Documentation Swagger-UI
- Students can submit their doubts to tutors based on class, subject expertise, and language preferences.
- Students have the option to search for tutors based on their subject expertise, ensuring they connect with the most relevant tutors for their queries.
- Explore a comprehensive list of all available tutors, providing students with a diverse range of expertise to choose from.
- Tutors can view and address all submitted doubts according to their subject expertise, ensuring accurate and helpful responses.
- Tutors' online status is updated every 3 seconds, allowing students to connect with available tutors promptly. Unresolved doubts are automatically assigned to online tutors.
- Temporary support available when no tutor is online, enhancing continuous assistance.
Deployment Link --> https://6565a5dbb145db43d25e359b--resplendent-cajeta-6921ba.netlify.app/
If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at [email protected]