Framework for plane detection algorithms approbation
This framework introduces pipeline for plane segmentation in point clouds recorded by LiDaRs and RGBD cameras. It also provides all necessary scripts to prepare plane segmentation and association dataset for both RGBD and LiDaR data.
Commonly framework consists of three parts:
- Common code for RGBD and LiDaR data processing as point clouds (including annotations, associations, detections, metrics and dataset loaders)
- Set of scripts and miniapps for dataset preparation and metrics evaluation
- Set of Python notebooks with examples and MVPs
There are 5 main features in the framework: different datasets format loading, annotation tools format parsing, point clouds association, planes detection and metrics evaluation
Framework supports 4 main datasets: ICL NUIM (both TUM-based and raw formats) and TUM for RGBD data, KITTI and CARLA Simulator for LiDaR data.
Special loaders were implemented for each dataset format --- they can be found at src/loaders
Each loader implements BaseLoader
Two annotation tools were used to create plane segmentation dataset: CVAT for RGBD data and SSE for LiDaR data. Framework supports formats for both of them.
Implementation of BaseAnnotator
which is an interface for point cloud annotations for both tools can be found in src/annotations/cvat
and src/annotations/sse
Also our own format of storing RGBD labels is supported by src/annotations/image_custom/DiAnnotation
but it uses simple model of point cloud from Open3D, not the framework one.
Except loading annotations from different formats framework also can filter outlines from it using RANSAC algorithm from Open3D.
Original depth image | Annotated RGB image |
![]() |
![]() |
Framework build point cloud based on depth image and map annotations to it using different colors.
Result of mapping |
![]() |
As you can see, some objects aren't well annotated: lamp and plant on the left side, for example. To fix such mistakes in annotation outlier detector can be used. This framework has one based on RANSAC algorithm.
Result of mapping with outliers extraction |
![]() |
As you can see now, plant and lamp are marked with black --- as not annotated objects, but not as a wall behind them!
The problem of association planes in point clouds requires extra research, so this framework has only one implementation of naive IoU algorithm in src/associators
More detailed review of such algorithms, implementation of the best ones and framework for their evaluation and comparison can be found at //TODO: link to ivan repo.
The problem of detection planes in point clouds requires extra research, so this framework has only one implementation of naive RANSAC algorithm based on Open3D library in src/detectors
Most popular algorithms for plane detection were wrapped with Docker containers and can be found at //TODO: link to dockers repo.
Framework for their evaluation with quality and perfomance measurements can be found at //TODO: link to summer school repo.
There are a few metrics that can be used to calculate quality of plane detection. Mainly they are from spheres of instance and panoptic segmentation.
Framework contains first version of metrics set in src/metrics
, but they are deprecated ones. For modern implementation of large metrics set look at EVOPS library at //TODO: link to EVOPS.
To combine all this features in single pipeline you can use main driver script in src/
It loads point clouds from specified dataset, apply annotations in the selected format with filtered outliers to them, detect planes on depth image and then compare the results using metrics.
Run it with python [dataset_path] --frame_number=[frame_number] --loader=[loader_name] [--annotations_path=[annotations_path] [--disable_annotation_filter_outliers]] [--algo=[plane_detection_algo_name] [--metric=[metric_name_1] --metric=[metric_name_2] ...]]
, where dataset_path
path to the dataset folder, frame_number
--- number of the frame in dataset (enumeration started from 0),
--- name of the dataset loader (tum and icl_tum are available), annotations_path
--- path to annotations.xml
--- algorithm to use for detection of planes and metric_name_X
--- name of the metric to benchmark the chosen algorithm.
Example of usage:
python C:\dataset --frame_num=0 --loader=icl_tum --annotations_path=C:\annotations.xml
This framework also contains a lot of useful scripts implemented during plane detection benchmark creation. To overview them take a look at scripts