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New Main Menu UI With Mugshot by Archie and Mudskip

mudskipper13 edited this page Apr 16, 2024 · 5 revisions


To apply these changes you have two options, either pull the branch from the TeamAqua fork of pokeemerald (instructions below), or copy in the changes by hand Here is the diff

This branch is likely Expansion Compatible.



This Menu functions more or less the same as the original but there are some differences, the biggest one is that loading the game with no save will take you straight from the title screen into the New Game Birch Speech (or after that if you have done something to skip that).

Second, I have little clue how the Mystery Event and Gift tabs work, but I did test that their code was loading properly with the UI loading and stuff, so I imagine it works assuming you're using it how it was designed. I did not provide the warnings for Wireless Adapters not working with the Mystery stuff because it didn't seem necessary, and the Ereader initializing function seemed to do nothing / break the game so I commented it out.

You use git remote add and git pull commands to pull in a feature branch. That is,

git remote add team_aqua

git pull team_aqua main_menu

(instructions from Pawkkie)


Code by Archie

Graphics by Mudskip

UI Shell Code by ghoulslash

Knowledge Download from Grunt Lucas


If you have questions or problems with the branch join the TAH Discord and ping me in the #romhacking-help channel for help:

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