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Disabling Union Room check when entering Pokémon Centers

Temporalin edited this page Aug 31, 2022 · 12 revisions

Every time the player enters a Pokémon Center, the game checks for players that are currently in the Union Room. If they find someone, the Pokémon Center nurse informs the player about them.

However, this has the side effect of pausing the game mid-transition to do this. As there's currently no support for the GBA Wireless Adapter in emulators, we're gonna ommit this check to avoid having this awkward pause in the middle of the game.

First, go to data/scripts/ and comment out the following line:

-	special InitUnionRoom
+	@ special InitUnionRoom

After that, go to data/scripts/ and change the following two scripts:

	incrementgamestat GAME_STAT_USED_POKECENTER
	call_if_eq VAR_0x8004, 0, EventScript_PkmnCenterNurse_IllTakeYourPkmn
	call_if_eq VAR_0x8004, 1, EventScript_PkmnCenterNurse_IllTakeYourPkmn2
	call EventScript_PkmnCenterNurse_TakeAndHealPkmn
	goto_if_unset FLAG_POKERUS_EXPLAINED, EventScript_PkmnCenterNurse_CheckPokerus
-	goto EventScript_PkmnCenterNurse_CheckTrainerHillAndUnionRoom
+	goto EventScript_PkmnCenterNurse_ReturnPkmn
	specialvar VAR_RESULT, IsPokerusInParty
	goto_if_eq VAR_RESULT, TRUE, EventScript_PkmnCenterNurse_ExplainPokerus
-	goto_if_eq VAR_RESULT, FALSE, EventScript_PkmnCenterNurse_CheckTrainerHillAndUnionRoom
+	goto EventScript_PkmnCenterNurse_ReturnPkmn

And that's it!

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