A web app where user can create account, manage students, schedule and allocate students to interviews, add scores & update results.
- Hosted on railways app. Click here
- Create account
- Add/Remove students
- Add/Remove Interviews
- Map/remove students with interviews
- Update scores and results
- Download CSV report of students
- Fork the project by clicking Fork Button.
- Clone the forked repository in your local system by running following the command in code editor terminal (e.g. VS code)
git clone [email protected]:prashantsingh896/placement-cell.git
- run the command
npm install
in terminal to install all dependencies - run the command
node index
in terminal to start the server on port 8000 - open up browser and type
in URL and you're good to go
- NodeJS
- Express
- MongoDB
- PassportJS-auth
- Bootstrap
- connect-mongo
- cookie-parser
- ejs
- express
- express-ejs-layout
- express-session
- mongoose
- passport
- passport-jwt
- passport-local