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A Command line tool for launching attacks against Machine Learning Malware detectors. Based on SecML Malware, it provides most of the state of the art attacks directly in your shell.
conda create -n toucanstrike python=3.8
conda activate toucanstrike
pip install -r requirements.txt
First, set a target (it must be the name of a classifier inside the plugin folder). We already provide these code wrappers:
for the MalConv classifier (along with its weights)gbdt_ember
for EMBER GBDT classifierdnn_lin
for the DNN-Lin and DNN-ReLu networks
Then, set the data to use:
data your_malware_folder
It is time for the attack. You can type whitebox --help
or blackbox --help
for the list of strategies.
An example might be:
whitebox --type partial_dos
Finally, you can launch your test!
target malconv
data your_malware_folder
whitebox --type partial_dos
Want to add a target? Just add a folder inside the plugin
folder! There are already some provided targets, and it is easy to learn how to make one!
If you want to include more functionalities, just open a pull request!