This is an unofficial API of The 18th Asian Games 2018 Jakarta-Palembang.
Name | Sport's Code | Name | Sport's Code | Name | Sport's Code | Name | Sport's Code |
Archery | ar | Artistic Gymnastics | ga | Artistic Swimming | sy | Athletics | at |
Badminton | bd | Baseball | bb | Basketball | bk | Basketball 3x3 | b3 |
Beach Volleyball | bv | Bowling | bo | Boxing | bx | Bridge | br |
Canoe/Kayak Slalom | cs | Canoe/Kayak Sprint | cf | Cycling BMX | cb | Cycling Mountain Bike | cm |
Cycling Road | cr | Cycling Track | ct | Diving | dv | Equestrian | eq |
Fencing | fe | Football | fb | Golf | go | Handball | hb |
Hockey | ho | JetSki | js | Judo | ju | Ju-Jitsu | jj |
Kabaddi | kd | Karate | ka | Kurash | ku | Modern Pentathlon | mp |
Paragliding | pg | Pencak Silat | ps | Rhythmic Gymnastics | gr | Roller Skate | rs |
Rowing | ro | Rugby Sevens | ru | Sailing | sa | Sambo | sc |
Sepaktakraw | se | Shooting | sh | Skateboard | sk | Soft Tennis | sf |
Softball | so | Sport Climbing | cl | Squash | sq | Swimming | sw |
Table Tennis | tt | Taekwondo | tk | Tennis | te | Trampoline Gymnastics | gt |
Triathlon | tr | Volleyball | vo | Water Polo | wp | Weightlifting | wl |
Wrestling | wr | Wushu | wu |
How to use :
git clone
npm install -g
node index.js
Return a list of participated countries
Return a list of schedules based on Sport's code [sport-code]
Return a list of schedules based on Country's code [country-code]
Return a list of participated athletes
Return a list of country's athletes
Return medals standing of The 18th Asian Games