Snomed - Python
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Environment: mac(any linux or windows env) with python 3.6.1 and py2neo 3.1.2. Use a virtual environment to avoid any conflicts or errors.
CreateCreate a Neo4j database to import Snomed drug files and provide a REST interface to access the data.
For information reg Neo4j please visit
Application is written in python and accepts a Snomed-CT zip file. The data from Snomed-CT around 3 miliion rows of TDV files will be uploaded to the graph database Neo4j.
Neo4j is a NoSql graph database which has a rich query capabilities which makes it ideal for decesion support and BI.
- Use Neo4j version 3.2.1
- update the config.ini file in the config folder as required. Only update the zip folder path.
- Run the
- the updated concepts and relationship files with the term and description type id is present in the results folder.
- the script uploads concepts, synonyms and relations into a neo4j instance.
- The graph database url should be specified in config.ini file.
- The entire script takes about ~ 2 hours to upload a snomed snapshot into a new neo4j database.
- Update of the Snomed Concepts is done using threads.
- Update of Relationships is done using a single thread as Neo4j is throwing deadlock exceptions if we process the relations in parallel.