Welcome to PovioKitAuth.
Auth packages with support for social providers as listed below.
Core | Apple |
- In Xcode, click
->Add Packages...
- Insert
in the Search field. - Select a desired
Dependency Rule
. Usually "Up to Next Major Version" with "2.1.0". - Select "Add Package" button and check one or all given products from the list:
- PovioKitAuthCore (core library)
- PovioKitAuthApple (Apple auth components)
- PovioKitAuthGoogle (Google auth components)
- PovioKitAuthFacebook (Facebook auth components)
- PovioKitAuthLinkedIn (LinkedIn auth components)
- Select "Add Package" again and you are done.
Please read the Migration document.
You can leverage use of SocialAuthenticationManager
as to simplify managing multiple instances at once.
let manager = SocialAuthenticationManager(authenticators: [AppleAuthenticator(), FacebookAuthenticator()])
// signIn user with Apple
let appleAuthenticator = manager.authenticator(for: AppleAuthenticator.self)
let result = try await appleAuthenticator?
.signIn(from: <view-controller-instance>, with: .random(length: 32))
// signIn user with Facebook
let facebookAuthenticator = manager.authenticator(for: FacebookAuthenticator.self)
let result = try await facebookAuthenticator?
.signIn(from: <view-controller-instance>, with: [.email])
// return currently authenticated authenticator
let authenticated: Authenticator? = manager.authenticator
// sign out currently signedIn authenticator
// check if any authenticator is authenticated
let boolValue = manager.isAuthenticated
// check if authenticated authenticator can open url
let canOpen = manager.canOpenUrl(<url>, application: <app>, options: <options>)
final class WrapperManager {
private let socialAuthManager: SocialAuthenticationManager
init() {
socialAuthManager = SocialAuthenticationManager(authenticators: [
extension AuthManager: Authenticator {
var isAuthenticated: Authenticated {
var currentAuthenticator: Authenticator? {
func authenticator<A: Authenticator>(for type: A.Type) -> A? {
socialAuthManager.authenticator(for: type)
func signOut() {
func canOpenUrl(_ url: URL, application: UIApplication, options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey: Any]) -> Bool {
socialAuthManager.canOpenUrl(url, application: application, options: options)
You can easily add new authenticator that is not built-in with PovioKitAuth package.
final class SnapchatAuthenticator: Authenticator {
public func signIn(from presentingViewController: UIViewController) async throws -> Response {
try await withCheckedThrowingContinuation { continuation in
SCSDKLoginClient.login(from: presentingViewController) { [weak self] success, error in
guard success, error == nil else {
continuation.resume(throwing: error)
let query = "{me{displayName, bitmoji{avatar}}}"
let variables = ["page": "bitmoji"]
SCSDKLoginClient.fetchUserData(withQuery: query, variables: variables) { resources in
continuation.resume(returning: response)
func signOut() {
var isAuthenticated: Authenticated {
func canOpenUrl(_ url: URL, application: UIApplication, options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey: Any]) -> Bool {
SCSDKLoginClient.application(application, open: url, options: options)
PovioKitAuth is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.