Drag 'n drop CSV parser
Instantiate CSVParser with a config, the config should be structured as follows:
var CSVParser = require('csvparser');
var myConfig = {
rules: myRules,
tests: myTests,
loadData: myDataLoader,
saveData: myDataSaver,
target: myTarget,
renderer: myRenderer, // optional
options: myOptions // optional
var myParser = new CSVParser(myConfig);
CSVParser uses rules to test and parse all values in your CSV. For each field in your CSV you must define a rule to tell CSVParser how to handle it.
var myRules = {
id: 'string',
name: 'string',
age: 'number',
married: 'boolean',
birthday: 'date',
department: 'departmentId'
CSVParser has a few built-in tests:
- boolean
- date
- number
- string
- timeString
You are free to create your own. It will need a test and parse function.
var myTests = {
test: function (value) { return departmentData.hasOwnProperty(value); },
parse: function (value) { return value; }
CSVParser wants to display the data you already have, give it a function to call that returns data in a callback.
var myDataLoader = function (cb) {
dataSource.get('personnel', cb);
CSVParser will save your data for you when you click on the save button. If you want to transform the data before you save it, you can do it inside the saveData function.
var myDataSaver = function (data, cb) {
dataSource.set('personnel', data, cb);
CSVParser needs a DOM element so it can appear in your page.
var myTarget = document.getElementById('personnelTarget');
CSVParser will use it's internal renderer unless you provide one in the config object. If you provide a function it will receive two arguments: data, target.
function myRenderer(data, target) {
// `data` is your data, parsed according to your rules.
// `target` is the DOM element CSVParser is using to display your data.
CSVParser has a few options that you can set:
- allowNull: boolean, defaults to true - null values are acceptable in all fields.
- allowUndefined: boolean, defaults to true - undefined values are acceptable in all fields.
- empty: defaults to undefined - What you want to replace empty values with.
- optional: array of keys - Which keys are optional, by default all keys are required.
- unique: number, string, or array of strings. - which fields represent the unique key for a row. defaults to the first field.