Module for MagicMirror. Can be used for adding notes on MagicMirror using fast and easy web interface
Little speed up for screenrecord
- Clone this module repo
- Install dependencies and requirements
- Add module to config file
- Restart Mirror to apply config
- Open host:port provided in config.js and enjoy
- MagicMirror
- python-shell
- sqlite3
- Python 3.6 or higher
Navigate into your MagicMirror's modules folder
cd ~/MagicMirror/modules
Clone this module repository:
git clone
Navigate to the new MMM-FastNotes folder and install the npm python-shell dependency
npm install python-shell
npm install sqlite3
Check that you have installed Python 3.6 or higher on your Raspberry. Just write in console python3
, and if it exists, you will see python terminal. If not, you need to install it with this line
sudo apt-get install python3
Then install required packages from requirements.txt
sudo python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Here is example of config, that must be placed in config.js file in array modules
module: 'MMM-FastNotes', //module name
disabled: false, //false if you want turn on module
position: 'top_left',
config: {
host: "", // address of raspberry pi in local network, need for access to WEB UI
port: 5000, // port on host where UI will be accessible via web browser
css: 0, // 0 - current default MM CSS styles; 1 - custom css stile
// TextStyle could be "xsmall bright" or "medium bright" or another one defined in /home/pi/MagicMirror/css/main.css, or in your own custom CSS
nameTextStyle: "xsmall bright", // style for Note Name
contentTextStyle: "normal dimmed" // style for Note Content