Expecty brings power assertions as known from Groovy and Spock to the Scala language. It is a micro library that aims to do one thing well.
Expecty is licensed under the Apache 2 license.
Expecty 0.10 was released on November 12th, 2013. It requires Scala 2.10.0 or higher.
Get Expecty from its Maven repository at https://github.com/pniederw/expecty/tree/master/m2repo.
For sbt builds:
val expectyRepo = "Expecty Repository" at "https://raw.github.com/pniederw/expecty/master/m2repo/"
val expecty = "org.expecty" % "expecty" % "0.10"
For Gradle builds:
repositories {
// important: this repo has to come last
maven {
name "expecty"
url "https://raw.github.com/pniederw/expecty/master/m2repo/"
dependencies {
testCompile "org.expecty:expecty:0.10"
For Maven builds:
import org.expecty.Expecty
case class Person(name: String = "Fred", age: Int = 42) {
def say(words: String*) = words.mkString(" ")
val person = Person()
val expect = new Expecty()
// Passing expectations
expect {
person.name == "Fred"
person.age * 2 == 84
person.say("Hi", "from", "Expecty!") == "Hi from Expecty!"
// Failing expectation
val word1 = "ping"
val word2 = "pong"
expect {
person.say(word1, word2) == "pong pong"
person.say(word1, word2) == "pong pong"
| | | | |
| | ping pong false
| ping pong
// Continue despite failing predicate
val expect2 = new Expecty(failEarly = false)
expect2 {
person.name == "Frog"
person.age * 2 == 73
person.name == "Frog"
| | |
| Fred false
person.age * 2 == 73
| | | |
| 42 84 false
Have a look at ExpectySpec.scala and other specs in the same directory.