This little library helps to generate a json out of a selected set of the runtime information available in the JVM.
All of the data is accessible over various managed beans (mbeans) available in the JVM.
But accessing this data over JMX when running the application in a Docker container is difficult the least to say.
Most applications however expose a web interface and possibly even health and or meta-information over HTTP.
The use case for this library is to convert JMX internal information into Json format that can be transported as e.g. a HTTP response for debugging purposes or just to be logged.
The Json is modularised into allowing for a builder pattern approach where one can choose to use one or more of the ' modules'.
- class-loading -
- garbage-collectors -
- memory -
- operating-system -
- runtime -
- thread -
Builder pattern example:
The easiest way to produce a Json with all the data supported by the library is to use one of the allInfo()
One can choose to get an optional stack trace for every thread by supplying the depth desired to print (three in this
Not providing a depth defaults to zero, i.e. no stack trace at all.
String json = JMXJsonBuilder.allInfo(3).prettyPrint();
This will create a Json like the one below (cut in some places for brevity).
"operating-system": {
"name": "Mac OS X",
"architecture": "x86_64",
"version": "10.16",
"available-processors": 16,
"system-load-average": 2.81396484375
"memory": {
"heap": {
"init": 1073741824,
"committed": 1073741824,
"max": 1073741824,
"used": 286342112,
"pools": [
"name": "G1 Eden Space",
"usage": {
"init": 54525952,
"committed": 46137344,
"max": -1,
"used": 4194304
"peak-usage": {
"init": 54525952,
"committed": 671088640,
"max": -1,
"used": 50331648
"non-heap": {
"init": 2555904,
"committed": 178573312,
"max": -1,
"used": 164771184,
"pools": [
"name": "CodeHeap 'non-nmethods'",
"usage": {
"init": 2555904,
"committed": 2949120,
"max": 7598080,
"used": 2866048
"peak-usage": {
"init": 2555904,
"committed": 2949120,
"max": 7598080,
"used": 2885248
"garbage-collectors": [
"name": "G1 Young Generation",
"collection-count": 8,
"collection-time": 66,
"memory-pool-names": [
"G1 Eden Space",
"G1 Survivor Space",
"G1 Old Gen"
"runtime": {
"vm-name": "OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM",
"vm-vendor": "AdoptOpenJDK",
"vm-version": "11.0.9+11",
"uptime": 7448,
"start-time": 1611145735991,
"input-arguments": [
"classpath": [
"thread": {
"current-thread-count": 46,
"daemon-thread-count": 24,
"peak-thread-count": 46,
"thread-cpu-time-enabled": true,
"thread-contention-monitoring-enabled": true,
"threads": [
"name": "main",
"id": 1,
"blocked-count": 222,
"blocked-time": 0,
"waited-count": 564,
"waited-time": 0,
"state": "WAITING",
"stack-trace": [
"jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe.park(Native method)",
"name": "Reference Handler",
"id": 2,
"blocked-count": 8,
"blocked-time": 0,
"waited-count": 0,
"waited-time": 0,
"state": "RUNNABLE",
"stack-trace": [
"java.lang.ref.Reference.waitForReferencePendingList(Native method)",
"class-loading": {
"loaded-classes": 16123,
"total-loaded-classes": 16128,
"unloaded-classes": 5
Provides information on the total of all class loaders in the JVM.
Provides information on the garbage collectors in the JVM.
Provides insights into the allocated memory of the JVM, heap as well as off/non-heap (e.g thread stacks).
Optionally one can get statistics on all memory pools.
JMXJsonBuilder.apply().withMemoryInfo(); //defaults to withMemoryInfo(false)
Adds information on the operating system the JVM runs on.
Provides runtime information such as:
- when the JVM was started
- total uptime
- JVM vendor/version
- all input arguments
- classpath
As threads may be in abundance this is the most verbose part.
Apart from providing general counters for threads it also provides insights into every thread in the system.
- name and id
- state
- blocked/waited counters
- blocked/waited time - These may be -1 depending on if the JVM is configured for measuring the information or not
- stack trace - The stack trace is optional and one can choose how many rows/lines from the stack trace to print for each thread (0 is default)
JMXJsonBuilder.apply().withThreadInfo(); //same as withThreadInfo(3)
JMXJsonBuilder.apply().withThreadInfo(0); //disables stack trace
Note The blocked/waited time measurements may not be enabled on the JVM.
To enable invoke ManagementFactory.getThreadMXBean().setThreadContentionMonitoringEnabled(true)
This may have an impact on the performance so do it with caution.
The Json printout can be in compact or pretty-printed format.
There is a few functions basically with two different results, use the one where the name fit your application.
All print related functions invoke the toString(boolean)
the difference being the value of the argument.
Function | Result |
compactPrint() |
compact |
toString() |
compact |
toString(false) |
compact |
toString(true) |
pretty-print |
prettyPrint() |
pretty-print |
For a full example on the printout from a dockerized Java application refer to the docker submodule.
It contains small application that easily be built into a Docker and executed locally.
This library uses minimal-json for managing Json format.
It is a small no-dependencies library fit for the purpose.
The libraries are plain Java (the Scala part is only unit tests), compiled for compatibility with Java 8+.
Simply add the following dependency:
"org.dmonix" % "jmx-runtime-json" % [version]
The library is licensed under Apache 2