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en API cheatsheet
Gilles edited this page Aug 13, 2024
18 revisions
screen.width | The current width of the screen in microStudio units |
screen.height | The current height of the screen in microStudio units |
screen.clear( [color] ) | Clears the screen (fills it in black, or in the optional color argument passed) |
screen.setColor( color ) | Sets the color for subsequent drawing operations. |
screen.setAlpha( opacity ) | Sets the opacity of subsequent drawing operations, in the range [0 .. 1] |
screen.setBlending( blending ) | Sets the blending mode for subsequent drawing operations |
screen.setLinearGradient( x1, y1, x2, y2, color1, color2 ) | Sets a linear gradient for subsequent drawing operations |
screen.setRadialGradient( x, y, radius, color1, color2 ) | Sets a radial gradient for subsequent drawing operations |
screen.setFont( font_name ) | Sets the name of the font to use for subsequent text drawing operations |
screen.setTranslation( tx, ty ) | Translates the screen coordinates |
screen.setScale( sx, sy ) | Scales the screen coordinates |
screen.setRotation( rotation ) | Rotates the screen coordinates |
screen.setDrawAnchor( x, y ) | Sets the anchor (pivot) point for drawing elements. Range for x and y: [-1 .. 1] |
screen.setDrawRotation( rotation ) | Sets a rotation angle for drawing elements, around their anchor point |
screen.setDrawScale( x, y ) | Sets the drawing scale for elements, on their x-axis and y-axis |
screen.fillRect( x, y, width, height [,color] ) | Draws a filled rectangle |
screen.fillRoundRect( x, y, width, height, roundness [,color] ) | Draws a filled rounded rectangle |
screen.fillRound( x, y, width, height [,color] ) | Draws a filled round shape (ellipse or circle depending on your arguments) |
screen.drawRect( x, y, width, height [,color] ) | Draws a rectangle outline |
screen.drawRoundRect( x, y, width, height, roundness [,color] ) | Draws a rounded rectangle outline |
screen.drawRound( x, y, width, height [,color] ) | Draws a round shape outline (ellipse or circle depending on your arguments) |
screen.drawSprite( name, x, y, width [,height] ) | Draws a sprite at given coordinates |
screen.drawSpritePart( name, px, py, pw, ph, x, y, width [,height] ) | Draws an area of this sprite at given coordinates |
screen.drawImage( image, x, y, width [,height] ) | Draws an image at given coordinates |
screen.drawImagePart( image, px, py, pw, ph, x, y, width [,height] ) | Draws an area of the image at given coordinates |
screen.drawMap( name, x, y, width [,height] ) | Draws a map at given coordinates |
screen.setPixelated( pixelated ) | Sets how sprites or images must be rendered: pixelated or smoothed |
screen.drawText( text, x, y, size [,color] ) | Draws text at given coordinates with given size |
screen.drawTextOutline( text, x, y, size [,color] ) | Draws text outline at given coordinates with given size |
screen.textWidth( text, size ) | Returns the width of the given text when drawn at given size |
screen.setLineWidth( width ) | Sets the width of lines for subsequent drawing operations |
screen.setLineDash( [2,4] ) | Sets the line style, as an array of lines and gaps |
screen.drawLine( x1, y1, x2, y2 ) | Draws a line |
screen.drawPolygon( x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 ... [,color]) | The coordinates can also be passed as an array |
screen.drawPolyline( x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 ... [,color]) | The coordinates can also be passed as an array |
screen.fillPolygon( x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 ... [,color]) | The coordinates can also be passed as an array |
screen.drawArc( x, y, radius, start_angle, end_angle, counter_clockwise [,color]) | Draws an arc of a circle |
screen.fillArc( x, y, radius, start_angle, end_angle, counter_clockwise [,color]) | Fills an arc of a circle |
screen.drawQuadCurve( x1, y1, cp1x, cp1y, x2, y2, ... [,color]) | You can pass as many points as needed ; you can pass all the points as an array |
screen.drawBezierCurve( x1, y1, cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x2, y2, ... [,color]) | You can pass as many points as needed ; you can pass all the points as an array |
screen.setCursorVisible( visible ) | Sets whether the mouse cursor should be visible |
screen.loadFont( fontname ) | Initiates the loading of a font |
screen.isFontReady( fontname ) | Checks whether the font is ready to use |
"rgb(128,160,196)" | |
"rgba(128,160,196,0.5)" | |
"#8090A0" | |
"hsl(200,50%,50%)" | |
"hsla(200,50%,50%,0.25)" |
"normal" | "additive" | "source-out" | "source-atop" | "destination-over" |
"destination-in" | "destination-out" | "destination-atop" | "lighter" | "copy" |
"xor" | "multiply" | "screen" | "overlay" | "darken" |
"lighten" | "color-dodge" | "color-burn" | "hard-light" | "soft-light" |
"difference" | "exclusion" | "hue" | "saturation" | "color" |
"luminosity" | "source-over" | "source-in" |
See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CanvasRenderingContext2D/globalCompositeOperation
keyboard.A | keyboard.B | keyboard.UP | keyboard.SPACE |
keyboard.press.A | keyboard.press.B | keyboard.press.UP | keyboard.press.SPACE |
keyboard.release.A | keyboard.release.B | keyboard.release.UP | keyboard.release.SPACE |
gamepad.A | gamepad.B | gamepad.X |
gamepad.Y | gamepad.LB | gamepad.RB |
gamepad.VIEW | gamepad.MENU | gamepad.LS |
gamepad.RS | gamepad.DPAD_UP | gamepad.DPAD_DOWN |
gamepad.DPAD_LEFT | gamepad.DPAD_RIGHT | gamepad.LT |
gamepad.RT | gamepad.UP | gamepad.DOWN |
gamepad.LEFT | gamepad.RIGHT | gamepad.LEFT_STICK_UP |
gamepad.press.A (B, X, Y ...) | gamepad.release.A (B, X, Y ...) |
gamepad[0].A (B, X, Y ...) | gamepad[1].A (B, X, Y ...) |
gamepad[2].press.A (B, X, Y ...) | gamepad[3].release.A (B, X, Y ...) |
touch.touching | |
touch.press | |
touch.release | |
touch.x | |
touch.y | |
touch.touches | list of all current active touches |
mouse.x | current mouse pointer position x |
mouse.y | current mouse pointer position y |
mouse.pressed | 1 if any mouse button is pressed, else 0 |
mouse.left | 1 if left mouse button is pressed, else 0 |
mouse.middle | 1 if middle mouse button is pressed, else 0 |
mouse.right | 1 if right mouse button is pressed, else 0 |
mouse.wheel | value can be 1 (up), -1 (down) or 0 |
mouse.press | 1 if any mouse button was just first pressed |
mouse.release | 1 when the last active mouse button was just released |
asset_manager.loadFont( path ) | Initiates loading of the font asset |
asset_manager.loadImage( path, callback ) | Loads image, returns a loader object and calls callback when ready |
asset_manager.loadModel( path, scene, callback ) | Loads 3D model, returns a loader object and calls callback when ready |
asset_manager.loadJSON( path, callback ) | Loads JSON as microScript object, returns a loader object and calls callback when ready |
asset_manager.loadText( path, callback ) | Loads TXT as microScript string, returns a loader object and calls callback when ready |
asset_manager.loadCSV( path, callback ) | Loads CSV as microScript string, returns a loader object and calls callback when ready |
asset_manager.loadMarkdown( path, callback ) | Loads .md file as microScript string, returns a loader object and calls callback when ready |
asset_manager.wasmInstance( path, callback ) | Creates an instance of a WebAssembly module, returns a loader object and calls callback when ready |
member | description |
system.time() | Returns the system time in milliseconds (time elapsed since January 1st 1970) |
system.language | Returns the language of the user |
system.inputs | Allows to check which input methods are available on the user's system |
system.inputs.keyboard | Returns 1 if the user's system has a keyboard |
system.inputs.mouse | Returns 1 if the user's system has a mouse pointer |
system.inputs.touch | Returns 1 if the user's system has a touch screen |
system.inputs.gamepad | Returns 1 if there is at least one plugged in, active gamepad |
system.prompt( text, callback) | Prompts the user to enter text and calls callback( ok, text )
system.say( text ) | Displays a message to the user, in a dialog box |
system.pause() | Pauses execution. Execution can be resumed with the "play" button in the microStudio interface |
system.exit() | Exits the program |
system.preemptive | Set to 1 by default, can be set to 0 to make the threading system non-preemptive |
system.threads | Holds a list of all the active threads (running or paused). |
system.update_rate | Writable call rate of update() , example: system.update_rate = 120
system.disable_autofullscreen | Set it to 1 to prevent your app from going fullscreen automatically on touch screens |
storage.set( name, value ) | |
storage.get( name, value ) |
image = new Image( width, height ) |
Note: the default coordinates system for drawing into an image differs a lot from drawing on screen. When drawing on an image, the default unit is one pixel ; the origin is set to the upper left corner of the image. The y-axis is oriented downwards.
If you wish to create an image preconfigured with the centered, y-axis up coordinate system, you can do so by adding
as third parameter to the Image constructor:image = new Image( width, height , true )
member | description |
image.width | Width of the image in pixels |
image.height | Height of the image in pixels |
image.clear( [color] ) | Clears the image |
image.setRGB( x, y, r, g, b) | Sets pixel color |
image.setRGBA( x, y, r, g, b, a) | Sets pixel color and opacity |
image.getRGB( x, y [,result]) | Returns pixel color as an object with R, G and B components |
image.getRGBA( x, y [,result]) | Returns pixel color as an object with R, G, B and A components |
image.setColor( color ) | Sets the color for subsequent drawing operations. |
image.setAlpha( opacity ) | Sets the opacity of subsequent drawing operations, in the range [0 .. 1] |
image.setBlending( blending ) | Sets the blending mode for subsequent drawing operations |
image.setLinearGradient( x1, y1, x2, y2, color1, color2 ) | Sets a linear gradient for subsequent drawing operations |
image.setRadialGradient( x, y, radius, color1, color2 ) | Sets a radial gradient for subsequent drawing operations |
image.setFont( font_name ) | Sets the name of the font to use for subsequent text drawing operations |
image.setTranslation( tx, ty ) | Translates the image coordinates |
image.setScale( sx, sy ) | Scales the image coordinates |
image.setRotation( rotation ) | Rotates the image coordinates |
image.setDrawAnchor( x, y ) | Sets the anchor (pivot) point for drawing elements. Range for x and y: [-1 .. 1] |
image.setDrawRotation( rotation ) | Sets a rotation angle for drawing elements, around their anchor point |
image.setDrawScale( x, y ) | Sets the drawing scale for elements, on their x-axis and y-axis |
image.fillRect( x, y, width, height [,color] ) | Draws a filled rectangle |
image.fillRoundRect( x, y, width, height, roundness [,color] ) | Draws a filled rounded rectangle |
image.fillRound( x, y, width, height [,color] ) | Draws a filled round shape (ellipse or circle depending on your arguments) |
image.drawRect( x, y, width, height [,color] ) | Draws a rectangle outline |
image.drawRoundRect( x, y, width, height, roundness [,color] ) | Draws a rounded rectangle outline |
image.drawRound( x, y, width, height [,color] ) | Draws a round shape outline (ellipse or circle depending on your arguments) |
image.drawSprite( name, x, y, width [,height] ) | Draws a sprite at given coordinates |
image.drawSpritePart( name, px, py, pw, ph, x, y, width [,height] ) | Draws an area of this sprite at given coordinates |
image.drawImage( image, x, y, width [,height] ) | Draws an image at given coordinates |
image.drawImagePart( image, px, py, pw, ph, x, y, width [,height] ) | Draws an area of the image at given coordinates |
image.drawMap( name, x, y, width [,height] ) | Draws a map at given coordinates |
image.setPixelated( pixelated ) | Sets how sprites or images must be rendered: pixelated or smoothed |
image.drawText( text, x, y, size [,color] ) | Draws text at given coordinates with given size |
image.drawTextOutline( text, x, y, size [,color] ) | Draws text outline at given coordinates with given size |
image.textWidth( text, size ) | Returns the width of the given text when drawn at given size |
image.setLineWidth( width ) | Sets the width of lines for subsequent drawing operations |
image.setLineDash( [2,4] ) | Sets the line style, as an array of lines and gaps |
image.drawLine( x1, y1, x2, y2 ) | Draws a line |
image.drawPolygon( x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 ... [,color]) | The coordinates can also be passed as an array |
image.drawPolyline( x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 ... [,color]) | The coordinates can also be passed as an array |
image.fillPolygon( x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 ... [,color]) | The coordinates can also be passed as an array |
image.drawArc( x, y, radius, start_angle, end_angle, counter_clockwise [,color]) | Draws an arc of a circle |
image.fillArc( x, y, radius, start_angle, end_angle, counter_clockwise [,color]) | Fills an arc of a circle |
image.drawQuadCurve( x1, y1, cp1x, cp1y, x2, y2, ... [,color]) | You can pass as many points as needed ; you can pass all the points as an array |
image.drawBezierCurve( x1, y1, cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x2, y2, ... [,color]) | You can pass as many points as needed ; you can pass all the points as an array |
system.file.save( image, name [,format [, quality ]]) | Saves the image to the PC. Format can be set to "png" or "jpg" and quality (jpg only) in the range [0 .. 1] |
sprite = sprites["icon"] | Default global object sprites retains all project sprites |
sprite.fps = 10 | Change the animation speed in case of an animated sprite |
sprite.setFPS( 10 ) | Change the animation speed while preserving the current phase |
sprite.setFrame(0) | Sets the current animation frame |
image = sprite.frames[0] | Get the Image object of the first (or only) sprite frame |
sprite.frames.push( image ) | Add a new frame to this sprite |
map = new Map( width_in_tiles, height_in_tiles, tile_pixel_width, tile_pixel_height ) |
map.get( x, y ) | |
map.set( x, y , "sprite" ) | |
map.set( x, y , "tilemap:4,6" ) |
audio.beep( "C4 E G C5 E G" ) | |
audio.beep( "volume 50 span 50 tempo 240 loop 4 C4 E G C5 E G end" ) | |
audio.cancelBeeps() |
sound = audio.playSound( "mysound" ) | Starts playing the sound "mysound" and returns a controller object |
sound.setVolume( volume ) | sets the volume for the playback of the sound |
sound.setPitch( pitch ) | sets the pitch for the playback of the sound |
sound.setPan( pan ) | sets the pan of the playing sound |
sound.getDuration() | returns the duration of the sound in seconds |
sound.stop() | stops the playback of the sound |
music = audio.playMusic( "mymusic" ) | Starts playing the music "mymusic" and returns a controller object |
music.setVolume( volume ) | |
music.stop() | |
music.play() | |
music.getDuration() | in seconds |
music.getPosition() | in seconds |
music.setPosition( position ) | in seconds |
sound = new Sound( channels, length, sampleRate ) | Creates a sound object |
sound.write( channel, index, value ) | Writes sample data |
sound.read( channel, index ) | Reads sample data |
sound.play( [ volume, pitch, pan, loop ]) |
system.file.load( ["png","jpg"] , function( file_list )
for file in file_list
system.file.load( ["png","jpg"] )
update = function()
if system.file.loaded then
for file in system.file.loaded
print( file.content )
update = function()
if system.file.dropped then
for file in system.file.dropped
print( file.content )
system.file.save( obj, name ) | saves your object as a json file |
system.file.save( image, name ) | |
system.file.save( sound, name ) |
The project access API is only available when the project is running within the microStudio editor.
You can check the availability with if system.project then ...
system.project.listFiles( "source", function( list, error) print(list) end ) | |
system.project.listFiles( "sprites/folder1", function( list, error) print(list) end ) | |
system.project.listFiles( "maps", function( list, error) print(list) end ) | |
system.project.listFiles( "sounds", function( list, error) print(list) end ) | |
system.project.listFiles( "music", function( list, error) print(list) end ) | |
system.project.listFiles( "assets", function( list, error) print(list) end ) |
system.project.readFile( "source/main", function(result, error) print(result) end ) | |
system.project.readFile( "sprites/icon", function( sprite, error) screen.drawSprite(sprite,0,0,50) end ) | |
system.project.readFile( "maps/folder/map1", function( map, error) screen.drawMap(map,0,0,320,200) end ) | |
system.project.readFile( "sounds/fx/blast", function(sound, error) sound.play() end ) | |
system.project.readFile( "music/song", function(sound, error) sound.play() end ) | |
system.project.readFile( "assets/textfile", function(text, error) print(text) end ) | |
system.project.readFile( "assets/image_file", function( image, error) screen.drawImage(image,0,0,200) end ) | |
system.project.readFile( "assets/json_file", function( obj, error) print(obj.x) end ) |
system.project.writeFile( "source/generated/src1", string, 0, function(result, error) print(result) end ) | |
system.project.writeFile( "sprites/generated/sprite1", sprite, 0, function(result, error) print(result) end ) | |
system.project.writeFile( "sprites/generated/map1", map, 0, function(result, error) print(result) end ) | |
system.project.writeFile( "sounds/generated/sound1", sound, 0, function(result, error) print(result) end ) | |
system.project.writeFile( "music/generated/music1", sound, 0, function(result, error) print(result) end ) | |
system.project.writeFile( "assets/generated/textfile", string, object ext = "txt" end, function(result, error) print(result) end ) | |
system.project.writeFile( "assets/generated/jsonfile", obj, object ext = "json" end, function(result, error) print(result) end ) | |
system.project.writeFile( "assets/generated/imagefile", image, object ext = "jpg" end, function(result, error) print(result) end ) |
system.project.deleteFile( "sprites/sprite1", function(result, error) print(result) end ) |