PyChart is a tool to map from netcdf output
Below you can find an exemple of the kind of output from PyChart:
The command line to produce this plot is:
python ~/GIT/PyChart/ \
--ft 'BSF (OPM006)' \
--spfid '1979-1988' '1989-1998' '1999-2008' '2009-2018' \
--mapf \
--cntf \
--mapv sobarstf \
--cntv sobarstf \
--cblvl 0 100 10 \
--cntlvl 0 100 10 \
--cbu Sv \
--cbn magma_r \
--mapsf 0.000001 \
--cntsf 0.000001 \
--cbext both \
--mesh \
--bathyf \
--bathyv bathy_metry \
--bathylvl 1000 2000 3000 4000 \
-p south_ocean \
--sp 2x2 \
-o bsf_OPM006
PyChart is tested with this conda environement (environment.yml):
name: PyChart
- defaults
- python=3.7.4
- cartopy
- gsw
- scipy
- netcdf4
- dask
- xarray
- jupyter
- seawater
This environement can be created via this command:
conda env create -f environment.yml
with environment.yml being the environement file described above.
[--mapf] : list of file to plot (X files => X subplots)
[--mapv] : list of variable to plot.
1 variable only (same variable is assume for all the plots
or 1 variable per --mapf files
[--mapreff] : reference file for comparison purposes.
[--mapf] file - [--mapreff] file will be plot.
[--mapreff] : variable to use in the --mapreff file
[--mapsf] : scale factor to use if different to 1.
useful for transport for example, see example.
[--mapjk] : jk level to plot (level 1)
[--mapz] : instead of --mapjk, user can specify --mapz in m.
In this case, the closest level to --mapz will be ploted.
Same options as for the map but with 'cnt' prefixe instead of 'map' are available.
[--cbn] : name of the python cmap to use (default 'jet')
[--cbu] : unit of colormap (will be plotted on top of the colorbar, see example)
[--cblvl]: define the range of value to plot and the number of color to plot.
[cmin cmax cint] (if cint is missing default is 10)
or list of values for irregular colorbar.
[--cbfmt]: format of the colorbar text label
[--cbext]: define if you want to extend the colorbar ['min', 'max', 'both'].
[--mesh] : mesh or coordinate file to use (1 file or 1 per --mapf)
[--mask] : mask file to use (1 file or 1 per --mapf)
[--bathy] : bathymetry files to use (1 file or 1 per --mapf)
[--bathyv] : bathymetry variable to plot (1 variable or 1 variable per --bathyf)
[--bathylvl]: isodepth line to plot
[-ft] : Figure title (see example)
[--spfid]: subplot title (see example)
[--sprid]: name of the reference (subplot title will be in this case [--spfid] - [--sprid])
[--sp] : subplot disposition (X x Y).
The number of subplot need to be larger than the number of [--mapf] files.
[-p] : projection name
usage: [-h] [--dir data_dir] --mapf pcolor_file_names
[pcolor_file_names ...] --mapv pcolor_var_names
[pcolor_var_names ...] [--mapreff pcolor_ref_file_name]
[--maprefv pcolor_ref_var_name]
[--mapsf pcolor_scale_factor] [--mapjk pcolor_jk_depth]
[--mapz pcolor_z_depth] [--cbn colormap_name] --cblvl
colorbar_range [colorbar_range ...] [--cbu colorbar_unit]
[--cbfmt colorbar_fmt] [--cbext colorbar_extend]
[--ft figure_title] [--spfid runid [runid ...]]
[--sprid refid]
[--mask mask file name [mask file name ...]]
[--mesh mesh file name [mesh file name ...]]
[--sp subplot disposition] [-o output name]
[-p projection] [--cntf contour file [contour file ...]]
[--cntv contour var] [--cntreff contour ref file]
[--cntrefv contour ref var]
[--cntsf contour data scale factor]
[--cntjk contour jk level] [--cntz contour depth in m]
[--cntlvl contour line level [contour line level ...]]
[--bathyf bathy file [bathy file ...]]
[--bathyv bathy var]
[--bathylvl contour line level [contour line level ...]]
[--secf section line file list [section line file list ...]]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--dir data_dir data dir
--mapf pcolor_file_names [pcolor_file_names ...]
names of input files
--mapv pcolor_var_names [pcolor_var_names ...]
variable list
--mapreff pcolor_ref_file_name
names of ref files
--maprefv pcolor_ref_var_name
reference variable name
--mapsf pcolor_scale_factor
map data scale factor
--mapjk pcolor_jk_depth
level in fortran convention
--mapz pcolor_z_depth
depth of the map
--cbn colormap_name color map name
--cblvl colorbar_range [colorbar_range ...]
color range
--cbu colorbar_unit colorbar unit
--cbfmt colorbar_fmt colorbar format
--cbext colorbar_extend
colorbar extend
--ft figure_title title of the whole figure
--spfid runid [runid ...]
runids (title + mesh name)
--sprid refid refids (title + mesh name)
--mask mask file name [mask file name ...]
mask file name
--mesh mesh file name [mesh file name ...]
mesh file name
--sp subplot disposition
subplot disposition (ixj)
-o output name output name
-p projection projection
--cntf contour file [contour file ...]
contour file list
--cntv contour var contour variable
--cntreff contour ref file
contour reference file
--cntrefv contour ref var
contour reference variable
--cntsf contour data scale factor
contour data scale factor
--cntjk contour jk level
contour jk level
--cntz contour depth in m
contour depth in m
--cntlvl contour line level [contour line level ...]
contour line level
--bathyf bathy file [bathy file ...]
bathy file
--bathyv bathy var contour variable
--bathylvl contour line level [contour line level ...]
contour line level
--secf section line file list [section line file list ...]
section file list describing section to plot