Using Go Work
I'm updating the polly for the .tpl template rendering
Clone the polly repo locally
Create a Go Workspace In the repo that has polly as a dependency
cd ~/git/plrl
git clone [email protected]:pluralsh/polly.git
cd deployment-operator
go work init .
This creates a go workspace file named in the deployment-operator
Tell go to use the locally cloned version of the polly
go use ../polly
My file now looks like this
// ./
go 1.22.2
use (
Now the Go Workspace settings will allow me to use the local version of the polly
source code when compiling and testing
Helm tests will run against this cluster
You can test with:
kubectl cluster-info
make tools
# Mac
export KUBEBUILDER_ASSETS=${GOBIN}/k8s/1.28.3-darwin-arm64
# Linux
export KUBEBUILDER_ASSETS=${GOBIN}/k8s/1.28.3-linux-amd64
make test
Reference the Ginkgo Getting Started to see the expected structure
go install
If creating a new package or testing a package that doesn't already have a test suite
cd pkg/package/that/needs/suite
ginkgo bootstrap
I'm creating a test for ./pkg/manifests/template/tpl.go
cd ./pkg/manifests/template
ginkgo generate tpl
example output
Generating ginkgo test for Tpl in:
It generates: ./pkg/manifests/template/tpl_test.go
# ./pkg/manifests/template/tpl_test.go
package template_test
import (
. ""
. ""
var _ = Describe("Tpl", func() {
# ./pkg/manifests/template/tpl_test.go
var _ = Describe("Tpl", func() {
Context("Example Test", func() {
It("Should always Pass", func() {
Context("Test Should Fail for example output", func() {
It("Should always fail", func() {
I'm doing this here just for an example and to check that my tests are bing added to the Suite
make test
# ... other output
[GIN-debug] GET /version --> (3 handlers)
Running Suite: Controller Suite - /Users/kjj/git/plrl/deployment-operator/pkg/manifests/template
Random Seed: 1715288079
Will run 6 of 6 specs
# Warning: 'bases' is deprecated. Please use 'resources' instead. Run 'kustomize edit fix' to update your Kustomization automatically.
# Warning: 'patchesStrategicMerge' is deprecated. Please use 'patches' instead. Run 'kustomize edit fix' to update your Kustomization automatically.
• [FAILED] [0.000 seconds]
Tpl Test Should Fail for example output [It] Should always Fail
[FAILED] Expected
<int>: 1
to equal
<int>: 2
In [It] at: /Users/kjj/git/plrl/deployment-operator/pkg/manifests/template/tpl_test.go:18 @ 05/09/24 16:54:41.29
2024/05/09 16:54:41 render helm templates: enable dependency update= false dependencies= 0
Found unknown types unknown resource types:,, ignoring for now2024/05/09 16:54:41 Server exiting
Summarizing 1 Failure:
[FAIL] Tpl Test Should Fail for example output [It] Should always Fail
Ran 6 of 6 Specs in 2.810 seconds
FAIL! -- 5 Passed | 1 Failed | 0 Pending | 0 Skipped
--- FAIL: TestControllers (2.81s)
FAIL 3.421s
make: *** [test] Error 1