Arduino sketch for the ESP8266 Wifi chip which listens to the 433MHz transmission from the STC-1000 Temperature Controller flashed with new firmware (, collecting the first packet it receives with a good CRC. The transmitted packet conforms to the "Fine Offset" weather station protocol. The STC-1000p firmware transmits its current temperature and the state of its relays (heating, cooling). This information, along with a 'local' DS18B20 temperature reading, is served up as a simple webpage from the ESP.
Useful for a scenario whereby one wishes to monitor a temperature control system, eg. beer fermentation, which resides in an area with no WiFi. The temperature controller will transmit (depending on the device used) 10-100m to an ESP8266-based Arduino board which is connected to WiFi. The system has a compile option to serve up readings to a Thingspeak IoT server.
Install ESP8266 support for Arduino Add libraries for DallasTemperature, OneWire Thingspeak:
- ESP8266 NodeMCU (ESP12-E) board
- STC-1000 Temperature Controller flashed with 433MHz firmware STC1000p
- 433MHz Transmitter eg. STX882
- 433MHz Receiver eg. SRX882
- Maxim Integrated DS18B20 Local Temperature sensor (not essential to the operation)
Special consideration needs to be given to pull-ups for the DS18B20 and voltages for common 433MHz receivers (ie. ensure appropriate GPIO input is < 3.3V)
The code in this project is licensed under the MIT license - see LICENSE for details.