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Cleaning up Dash 2 references and duplication
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HammadTheOne committed Aug 24, 2021
1 parent 87261aa commit 0446581
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## [1.0.0] - UNRELEASED
### Added
- Dash 2 wrapper functions are included, which simplify the layout syntax for writing Dash apps. This includes the ability to pipe in the `app` object to layout and meta functions, as well as tags which simplify `html` component arguments and children. [#265](
- Dash wrapper functions are included, which simplify the layout syntax for writing Dash apps. This includes the ability to pipe in the `app` object to layout and meta functions, as well as tags which simplify `html` component arguments and children. [#265](

### Changed
- Unified the core Dash packages (dash, dashCoreComponents, dashHtmlComponents, dashTable) for streamlined maintenance and accessibility. The namespaces of these packages will be combined under the `dash` namespace, and all artifacts from the ancillary dash packages will be included with Dash for R. [#243](
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268 changes: 0 additions & 268 deletions R/dependencies.R
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Expand Up @@ -307,271 +307,3 @@ ALLSMALLER <- as.symbol("ALLSMALLER")
#' @rdname selectors
#' @export
MATCH <- as.symbol("MATCH")

# Dash 2 Syntax Functions

#' Create a Dash application
#' This is a convenience function that returns a [`dash::Dash`] R6 object.
#' For advanced usage, you can use the object as an R6 object directly instead
#' of the functions provided by the `{dash2}` package.
#' @param title _(character)_ The browser window title.
#' @param update_title _(character)_ The browser window title while a callback
#' is being processed. Set to `NULL` or `”"` if you don't want Dash to
#' automatically update the window title.
#' @param assets_folder _(character)_ Path (relative to the current working
#' directory) containing extra files to be served by the browser. All files
#' with ".js" or ".css" extensions will automatically be included on the page,
#' unless excluded with `assets_ignore`. Any other files, such as images, will
#' only be served if explicitly requested.
#' @param assets_url_path _(character)_ URL path for serving assets. For
#' example, a value of "www" means that any request path that begins with
#' "/www" will be mapped to the `assets_folder`. If your assets are hosted
#' online, you can provide a CDN URL, such as "http://your-assets-website".
#' @param assets_ignore _(character)_ Regular expression for ".js" and ".css"
#' files that should not be automatically included. Ignored files will still
#' be served if explicitly requested. Note that you cannot use this to
#' prevent access to sensitive files since ignored files are accessible
#' by users.
#' @param eager_loading _(logical)_ Whether asynchronous resources are
#' prefetched (`TRUE`) or loaded on-demand (`FALSE`).
#' @param serve_locally _(logical)_ Whether to serve HTML dependencies locally
#' or remotely (via URL).
#' @param pathname_url_base _(character)_ Local URL prefix to use app-wide.
#' @param pathname_routes_prefix _(character)_ Prefix applied to the backend
#' routes. Defaults to `pathname_url_base`.
#' @param pathname_requests_prefix _(character)_ Prefix applied to request
#' endpoints made by Dash's front-end. Defaults to `pathname_url_base`.
#' @param compress _(logical)_ Whether to try to compress files and data. If
#' `TRUE`, then `brotli` compression is attempted first, then `gzip`, then the
#' `deflate` algorithm, before falling back to identity.
#' @param suppress_callback_exceptions _(logical)_ Whether to relay warnings
#' about possible layout mis-specifications when registering a callback.
#' @param show_undo_redo _(logical)_ If `TRUE`, the app will have undo and redo
#' buttons for stepping through the history of the app state.
#' @seealso [`run_app()`]
#' @export
dash_app <- function(title = NULL,
update_title = "Updating...",
assets_folder = "assets",
assets_url_path = "/assets",
assets_ignore = NULL,
eager_loading = FALSE,
serve_locally = TRUE,
pathname_url_base = "/",
pathname_routes_prefix = NULL,
pathname_requests_prefix = NULL,
compress = TRUE,
suppress_callback_exceptions = FALSE,
show_undo_redo = FALSE) {

if (is.null(assets_ignore)) {
assets_ignore <- ""

app <- dash::Dash$new(
assets_folder = assets_folder,
assets_url_path = assets_url_path,
assets_ignore = assets_ignore,
eager_loading = eager_loading,
serve_locally = serve_locally,
url_base_pathname = pathname_url_base,
routes_pathname_prefix = pathname_routes_prefix,
requests_pathname_prefix = pathname_requests_prefix,
compress = compress,
suppress_callback_exceptions = suppress_callback_exceptions,
show_undo_redo = show_undo_redo,
update_title = update_title

if (!is.null(title)) {


#' Add `<meta>` tags to a Dash app
#' @param app A dash application created with [`dash_app()`].
#' @param meta A single meta tag or a list of meta tags. Each meta tag is a
#' named list with two elements representing a meta tag. See examples below.
#' @examples
#' app <- dash_app()
#' # Add a single meta tag
#' app %>% add_meta(list(name = "description", content = "My App"))
#' # Add multiple meta tags
#' app %>% add_meta(list(
#' list(name = "keywords", content = "dash, analysis, graphs"),
#' list(name = "viewport", content = "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0")
#' ))
#' @export
add_meta <- function(app, meta) {
if (!is.list(meta[[1]])) {
meta <- list(meta)
app$.__enclos_env__$private$meta_tags <- c(app$.__enclos_env__$private$meta_tags, meta)

#' Add external (CSS) stylesheets to a Dash app
#' @param app A dash application created with [`dash_app()`].
#' @param stylesheet A single stylesheet or a list of stylesheets. Each
#' stylesheet is either a string (the URL), or a named list with `href` (the
#' URL) and any other valid `<link>` tag attributes. See examples below.
#' Note that this is only used to add **external** stylesheets, not local.
#' @examples
#' app <- dash_app()
#' # Add a single stylesheet with URL
#' app %>% add_stylesheet("[email protected]/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css")
#' # Add multiple stylesheets with URL
#' app %>% add_stylesheet(list(
#' "[email protected]/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css",
#' ""
#' ))
#' # Add a single stylesheet with a list
#' app %>% add_stylesheet(
#' list(
#' href = "[email protected]/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css",
#' integrity = "sha384-+0n0xVW2eSR5OomGNYDnhzAbDsOXxcvSN1TPprVMTNDbiYZCxYbOOl7+AMvyTG2x"
#' )
#' )
#' # Add multiple stylesheets with both URL and list
#' app %>% add_stylesheet(
#' list(
#' "",
#' "",
#' list(
#' href = "[email protected]/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css",
#' integrity = "sha384-+0n0xVW2eSR5OomGNYDnhzAbDsOXxcvSN1TPprVMTNDbiYZCxYbOOl7+AMvyTG2x"
#' )
#' )
#' )
#' @export
add_stylesheet <- function(app, stylesheet) {
if (!is.list(stylesheet) || !is.null(names(stylesheet))) {
stylesheet <- list(stylesheet)
app$.__enclos_env__$self$config$external_stylesheets <- c(app$.__enclos_env__$self$config$external_stylesheets, stylesheet)

#' Add external (JavaScript) scripts to a Dash app
#' @param app A dash application created with [`dash_app()`]
#' @param script A single script or a list of scripts. Each script is either
#' a string (the URL), or a named list with `src` (the URL) and any other valid
#' `<script>` tag attributes. See examples below.
#' Note that this is only used to add **external** scripts, not local.
#' @examples
#' app <- dash_app()
#' # Add a single script with URL
#' app %>% add_script("")
#' # Add multiple scripts with URL
#' app %>% add_script(list(
#' "",
#' ""
#' ))
#' # Add a single script with a list
#' app %>% add_script(
#' list(
#' href = "",
#' integrity = "sha384-wfSDF2E50Y2D1uUdj0O3uMBJnjuUD4Ih7YwaYd1iqfktj0Uod8GCExl3Og8ifwB6"
#' )
#' )
#' # Add multiple scripts with both URL and list
#' app %>% add_script(
#' list(
#' "",
#' "[email protected]/dist/umd/popper.min.js",
#' list(
#' href = "",
#' integrity = "sha384-wfSDF2E50Y2D1uUdj0O3uMBJnjuUD4Ih7YwaYd1iqfktj0Uod8GCExl3Og8ifwB6"
#' )
#' )
#' )
#' @export
add_script <- function(app, script) {
if (!is.list(script) || !is.null(names(script))) {
script <- list(script)
app$.__enclos_env__$self$config$external_scripts <- c(app$.__enclos_env__$self$config$external_scripts, script)

#' Set the layout of a Dash app
#' @param app A dash application created with [`dash_app()`]
#' @param ... Dash components to create the user interface, provided either as
#' comma-separated components or a list of components. You can also provide a
#' function returning a Dash component if you want the layout to re-render on
#' every page load.
#' @examples
#' app <- dash_app()
#' app %>% set_layout("hello", "Dash")
#' app %>% set_layout(htmlDiv("hello"), "Dash")
#' app %>% set_layout(list(htmlDiv("hello"), "Dash"))
#' app %>% set_layout(htmlDiv(children = list(htmlDiv("hello"), "Dash")))
#' app %>% set_layout(function() { htmlDiv(children = list(htmlDiv("hello"), "Dash")) })
#' @export
set_layout <- function(app, ...) {

tags <- list(...)
if (length(tags) > 0 && !is.null(names(tags))) {
stop("dash2: layout cannot have any named parameters")
if (length(tags) == 1) {
if (is.function(tags[[1]])) {
layout <- tags[[1]]
} else {
layout <- componentify(tags[[1]])
} else {
layout <- componentify(tags)


#' Run a Dash app
#' @param app A dash application created with [`dash_app()`]
#' @param host Hostname to run the app.
#' @param port Port number to run the app.
#' @param browser Whether or not to launch a browser to the app's URL.
#' @export
run_app <- function(app,
host = Sys.getenv("DASH_HOST", Sys.getenv("HOST", "")),
port = Sys.getenv("DASH_PORT", Sys.getenv("PORT", 8050)),
browser = interactive()) {
if (browser) {
url <- paste0(host, ":", port)
if (!grepl("^(http|https)://", host)) {
url <- paste0("http://", url)
app$run_server(host = host, port = port)
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion R/dash_2.R → R/wrappers.R
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# Dash 2 Syntax Functions (adapted from
# Dash 1.0 Layout Wrapper Functions (adapted from

#' Create a Dash application
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