Apache Kafka is a high-throughput, distributed, publish-subscribe messaging system.
KafkaSpecs is a java tool to simplify the management of your Kafka Topics and ACLs.
Currently, there are different ways to create/alter topics :
- Automatically with auto.create.topics.enable configured to true (But this not really a good idea in a production or even even in non-production environment).
- Using kafka-topics.sh - But first you will need a kafka distribution. In addition, this tool need an access to zookeeper.
- Using AdminClient API - This is a low-level API (the one used by Kafka Specs).
Those solutions are easy to use when starting with Kafka and/or during development cycles. However, while moving into production you will need more sophisticated tools to automate the creation of your topics.
Kafka Specs allow you to describe you cluster through a YAML file. This file will then be used to create, delete or alter topics and/or acls.
Kafka Specs help you to adopt a GitOps approach to manage Kafka cluster resources.
- Kafka 1.0.0 ...
- Java 8+
Kafka Topics are described using simple YAML description file :
cluster-dev-topics.yaml :
version: 1
- configs:
cleanup.policy: compact
compression.type: producer
min.insync.replicas: '1'
name: my-topic
partitions: 12
replication_factor: 1
KafkaSpecs can be used to create, delete or alter topics :
./bin/kafka-specs --execute --create --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --verbose --file cluster-dev-topics.yaml --entity-type topics
TASK [CREATE] Create a new topic my-topic (partitions=12, replicas=1) - CHANGED *************************
"changed": true,
"end": 1539682759748,
"resource": {
"name": "my-topic",
"partitions": 12,
"replicationFactor": 1,
"configs": {
"cleanup.policy": "compact",
"compression.type": "producer",
"min.insync.replicas": "1"
"failed": false,
"status": "CHANGED"
ok : 0, changed : 1, failed : 0
KafkaSpecs can be used describe existing topics:
./bin/kafka-specs --describe --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --default-configs --entity-type topics
version: 1
- configs:
cleanup.policy: compact
compression.type: producer
delete.retention.ms: '86400000'
file.delete.delay.ms: '60000'
flush.messages: '9223372036854775807'
flush.ms: '9223372036854775807'
follower.replication.throttled.replicas: ''
index.interval.bytes: '4096'
leader.replication.throttled.replicas: ''
max.message.bytes: '1000012'
message.format.version: 1.0-IV0
message.timestamp.difference.max.ms: '9223372036854775807'
message.timestamp.type: CreateTime
min.cleanable.dirty.ratio: '0.5'
min.compaction.lag.ms: '0'
min.insync.replicas: '1'
preallocate: 'false'
retention.bytes: '-1'
retention.ms: '604800000'
segment.bytes: '1073741824'
segment.index.bytes: '10485760'
segment.jitter.ms: '0'
segment.ms: '604800000'
unclean.leader.election.enable: 'false'
name: my-topic
partitions: 12
replicationFactor: 1
KafkaSpecs can be used to simply describe all ACLs that need to be created on Kafka Cluster:
version: 1
- principal : 'User:benchmark'
groups : []
permissions :
- resource :
type : 'topic'
pattern : 'bench-'
patternType : 'PREFIXED'
allow_operations : ['READ:*', 'WRITE:*']
- resource :
type : 'group'
pattern : '*'
patternType : 'LITERAL'
allow_operations : ['DESCRIBE:*']
You can also defined a group_policies to defined ACLs to be applied to multiple principal. Kafka Specs will take care of creating all corresponding ACLs
version: 1
- name : 'spec-access-all-topics'
resource :
type : 'topic'
pattern : '*'
patternType : 'LITERAL'
allow_operations : ['ALL:*']
- name : 'spec-access-all-groups'
resource :
type : 'group'
pattern : '*'
patternType : 'LITERAL'
allow_operations : ['ALL:*']
- principal : 'User:kafka'
groups : [ 'spec-access-all-topics', 'spec-access-all-groups' ]
- principal : 'User:admin-topic'
groups : [ 'spec-access-all-topics']
As of Kafka 2.0.0, you can use LITERAL and PREFIXED pattern-type to define new ACLs, then MATCH and ANY for filtering.
With Kafka Specs you can use the pattern-type MATCH to create ACLs. This will defined ACLs with LITERAL pattern type for all topics matching the defined regex.
version: 1
- principal : 'User:benchmark'
groups : []
permissions :
- resource :
type : 'topic'
pattern : '/bench-([.-])*/'
patternType : 'MATCH'
allow_operations : ['READ:*', 'WRITE:*']
./bin/kafka-specs --execute --create --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --verbose --file cluster-dev-topics.yaml --entity-type acls
TASK [CREATE] Create a new ACL (ALLOW User:benchmark to WRITE TOPIC:LITERAL:bench-p1-r1) - CHANGED ******
"changed": true,
"end": 1539685171168,
"resource": {
"principalType": "User",
"principalName": "benchmark",
"resourcePattern": "bench-p1-r1",
"patternType": "LITERAL",
"resourceType": "TOPIC",
"operation": "WRITE",
"permission": "ALLOW",
"host": "*"
"failed": false,
"status": "CHANGED"
TASK [CREATE] Create a new ACL (ALLOW User:benchmark to READ TOPIC:LITERAL:bench-p1-r1) - CHANGED *******
"changed": true,
"end": 1539685171168,
"resource": {
"principalType": "User",
"principalName": "benchmark",
"resourcePattern": "bench-p1-r1",
"patternType": "LITERAL",
"resourceType": "TOPIC",
"operation": "READ",
"permission": "ALLOW",
"host": "*"
"failed": false,
"status": "CHANGED"
Limitation : Currently Kafka Specs only support create and describe actions.
Create, Alter, Delete, Describe or clean Kafka cluster resources
Option Description
------ -----------
--alter OPTION : Alter all existing entities
that have configuration changed
--bootstrap-server <String: server(s) REQUIRED: The server to connect to.
to use for bootstrapping>
--clean-all COMMAND: Temporally set retention.ms
to 0 in order to delete messages for
each topic
--command-property <String: command A property file containing configs to
config property> be passed to Admin Client.
--command.config <File: command config A property file containing configs to
property file> be passed to Admin Client.
--create OPTION : Create all entities that
currently do not exist on remote
--default-configs OPTION : Export built-in default
configuration for configs that have
a default value
--delete OPTION : Delete all remote entities
which are not described in
--describe COMMAND: Describe resources
configuration of a specified cluster
--diff COMMAND: Display difference between
cluster resources and the specified
--dry-run OPTION : Execute command in Dry-Run
--entity-type <String> OPTION : entity on which to execute
command [topics|acls]
--execute COMMAND: Align cluster resources with
the specified specifications
--file <File> The cluster specification to used for
the command.
--help Print usage information.
--topics <String> OPTION : Only run command for this of
topics (separated by ,)
--verbose Print resources details
--yes Assume yes; assume that the answer to
any question which would be asked is
You need to have Gradle and Java installed.
./gradlew jar
./gradlew distTar
./gradlew javadoc
./gradlew clean
Any contribution is welcome
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License