HomePortal is a home management application. It is a PHP and MySQL system that uses CodeIgniter to allow me to manage money, contacts, calendar events, tasks, notes and inventory items.
While I have been running it in one form or another for a number of years this is the closest it has got to release ready. That being said it is not quite release ready. I still have to go into the database from time to time and the numbers that come out have not been verified by a third party.
Any feedback, bug reports and feature requests are more than welcome.
There is no installer and it would certainly help if you are familiar with CodeIgniter until there is an installer.
The system's only requirements are MySQL for the backend and the GD lib for creating thumbnails for contacts. Screenshots to follow shorly.
At this point the code is provided as is on the condition that it is only used for personal use and any changes are push back to the community.