This repository houses open-source software components of Playbit. Many parts of Playbit are still closed source, though we are committed to opening that source up in the future.
For Playbit 0.7.x and older, you need to connect a terminal from your host machine into Playbit's root system. With Playbit running, open a terminal on your host machine and do the following:
$ curl -L#O
$ chmod +x root-vconsole
$ ./root-vconsole
Connecting to Playbit root system console...
Press RETURN if you don't see a prompt. Press ctrl-Q to end session.
Set terminal size with: stty rows 38 cols 80
$ git clone
$ cd pb-src
Software is organized as discreet components called "packages."
For example ports/libc
and ports/bash
are two different packages.
A package may depend on other packages by specifying a dependency in its build script or makefile.
Packages are built using tools/pbuild
inside sandboxes (chroot with overlayfs, similar to nix) where their declared dependencies are present. pbuild ensures that packages are built in dependency order.
For example, try building curl:
$ tools/pbuild ports/curl
checking sources ...
building ports/libc ...
building ports/curl: OK /var/pbuild/ports/curl.ARCH/out
$ /var/pbuild/ports/curl.$(uname -m)/out/distroot/bin/curl --version
curl 8.7.1 ...
See ports/
for details on building & developing ports.
Since packages are built in sandboxes, they are not installed on the system by default. This ensures that your workspace stays unaffected.
To install a package to be used in a workspace, ask pbuild to --install
it for you.
For example to install GVIM:
$ tools/pbuild ports/gvim --install=$HOME/ws_S/upper/devel
building ports/gvim.aarch64: OK /var/pbuild/ports/gvim.aarch64/out/distroot 32.6M
Install ports/gvim at /home/root/ws_S/upper/devel
You can now go to /devel/Workspace/Applications
in Playbit and open GVIM
We recommend installing into a separate root $HOME/ws_S/upper/devel
so that you don't overwrite
libraries and programs in your workspace.
However, workspace files can recovered even if you accidentally do rm -rf /
in a workspace.
This is possible because each workspace stores file system modifications as a "difference layer"
rather than actually removing or changing system files.
A workspace's file changes can be managed from the root system at /home/root/ws_S/upper
- To install software from source directly into your workspace:
tools/pbuild ports/gvim --install=$HOME/ws_S/upper
- To recover an accidentally deleted file:
rm /home/root/ws_S/upper/PATH/TO/DELETED/FILE
- To completely reset a workspace:
rm -r /home/root/ws_S/upper/*
DANGER! Removes any files you may have created
Subdirectories may be covered by specific licenses, declared in files named "LICENSE.txt" or "COPYING" (or similar.)
All other material in this repository is covered by the Apache 2 license,
which can be found in whole at LICENSE.txt