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Stephan Schildberg edited this page Jan 18, 2018 · 3 revisions

French translation: Copédia

Another way of looking at Wikipedia ...

Accessible from the following URL : /co2/#interoperability.copedia

In Copédia, the goal is to allow the user to have another vision of a Wikipedia page, to facilitate his search and to make it more intuitive.

View Wikipedia data

Copedia allows by selecting a geographic scope (only cities for the moment) to list all Wikipedia articles in links with the Wikipedia page of the selected city (any hypertext links to another Wikipedia page).

Copedia link example

The Wikipedia links listed are thus categorized by 5 major types :

  • Event
  • Organization
  • Location
  • Person
  • Other (Has a type but does not fit into the categories previously mentioned)
  • Undefined (Does not have a type)

It is possible at any time to be able to filter among these 6 major types and thus get for example only the people of a Wikipedia page.

Copédia also puts the dates in relation with certain elements, in a chronological timeline.

The dates that Copedia displays are :

  • The start date of an event (one point in time) or the entire duration of the event (if possible)
  • The date of creation of an organization
  • The date of birth of a birth

For all the items listed it is possible to :

  • Visit their Wikipedia page (click on the Wikipedia icon)
  • Visit their DBPedia page (click on the DBPedia icon)
  • Visit their Wikidata page (click on the Wikidata icon)
  • View a summary of the Wikipedia page (with photo if available) of the Wikipedia page of the element (by clicking on the element name)
  • Perform a "Copedia search" listing all Wikipedia links contained in the Wikipedia page of the target element and thus be able to repeat the whole process described above. (en cliquant sur l'icone de Copédia)

Contribute to Wikipedia

If an element does not have a type, it is possible to add yourself a type to this element by clicking on the button "Add a type (Wikidata)" which will allow the user to pusher himself a type directly in the Wikidata page of the element among these 4 big types :

  • Person
  • Location
  • Organization
  • Event
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