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A minimal boilerplate theme for WordPress using TailwindCSS, with PostCSS and Laravel Mix npx Tailwind Compiler.


We've updated the default repo to underscores instead of main. This change comes with the fact that _S is a stable theme maintained directly by WordPress and allows for easier updates than the custom theme that was being used originially in the main branch. If you would like to use the main branch instead, please feel free to, but we will be deprecating support for it as of December 1st, 2021. All development will be in the underscores branch from then on. Thanks!

Update Apr. 4th, 2022

TailwindCSS Updated to 3.0.23

Check the upgrade guide here for what has changed in TailwindCSS.

Update Dec. 11th, 2021

Tailwind Updated to 3.0.1

Getting started

  • Clone repo git clone && cd tailpress
  • Run rm -rf .git to remove git.
  • Run npm install
  • Run npm run development
  • Run npm run watch to start developing

You will find the editable CSS and Javascript files within the /resources folder.

Before you use your theme in production, make sure you run npm run production.

NEW! AlpineJS support

AlpineJS is now included in the theme! All you need to do is add define('ALPINEJS', TRUE) inside of your wp-config.php before the /* That's all, stop editing! Happy publishing. */ line and AlpineJS will be automatically included and ready to use. AlpineJS Docs

Block editor support

TailPress comes with basic support for the block editor.

CSS-classes for alignment, background and text colors will be generated automatically. You can modify this within the tailwind.config.js file.

To make the editing experience within the block editor more in line with the front end styling, a editor-style.css is generated. This file is only compiled on production builds.

Full Site Editing support

TailPress is now updated to support Full Site Editing.

The template editing mode is a way to edit the website without the complexity of the site editor interface. It is more limited than the site editor because you can not select or navigate between templates in this view.

You access the template editing mode via the block editor.

Create a new post or page. Next, open the document settings sidebar and locate the Template panel below Status & visibility. Here you will find information about the current template and a list of existing templates to choose from.

Create a new template by selecting the New link.

Edit and save the template in the same way as in the site editor.

Define theme colors

Four colors (primary, secondary, dark and light) are defined from the beginning. You can modify the colors in tailpress.json.

Define theme font sizes

You can modify the font sizes within tailpress.json.


Tailwind CSS JIT is used to allow for fast compiling.

If you prefer to use the regular Tailwind CSS instead, you can change to that dependency in package.json. Also make sure to you change the PostCSS plugins in webpack.mix.js.


By default, PurgeCSS is enabled. You can modify or disable it by changing the settings in the tailwind.config.js file. There are several PurgeCSS options.
