Interact with Pivotal Network from the command-line.
Binaries for various operating systems are provided with each release on the releases page.
Install for OSX via homebrew as follows:
brew install pivotal/tap/pivnet-cli
To install on linux: download the latest binary (see latest release) and ensure the file is executable and on the path.
Using the Pivnet CLI requires a valid Pivotal Network API token
or UAA Refresh Token
Refer to the official docs for more details on obtaining a Pivotal Network API token.
Example usage:
$ pivnet login --api-token='my-api-token'
$ pivnet products
| ID | SLUG | NAME |
| 60 | elastic-runtime | Pivotal Cloud Foundry Elastic |
| | | Runtime |
$ pivnet r -p elastic-runtime -r 2.3.1 --format json \
| jq '{"id": .id, "release_date": .release_date, "release_type": .release_type}'
"id": 196729,
"release_date": "2018-10-05",
"release_type": "Security Release"
A valid install of golang >= 1.6 is required.
Dependencies are vendored in the vendor
directory, according to the
golang 1.5 vendor experiment.
No action is required to fetch the vendored dependencies.
Install the ginkgo executable with:
go get -u
The tests require a valid Pivotal Network API token and host.
Refer to the official docs for more details on obtaining a Pivotal Network API token.
It is advised to run the acceptance tests against the Pivotal Network integration
environment endpoint i.e. HOST=''
Run the tests with the following command:
API_TOKEN=my-token \
HOST='' \
Please make all pull requests to the master
branch, and
ensure the tests pass locally.
The CI for this project can be found here and the scripts can be found in the pivnet-resource-ci repo.
The roadmap is captured in Pivotal Tracker.