My humble test projects using WebAssembly for Hacklab meetup.
Output wasm files are included in the repository. If you would like to play with source C/C++ files you need to install Emscripten complier first.
For more details, go to Emscripten docs.
$ git clone
$ ./emsdk/emsdk install latest
$ ./emsdk/emsdk activate latest
# Update certificate if need:
$ open /Applications/Python\ 3.7/Install\ Certificates.command
# Setup local envs and you're ready to go:
$ source ../emsdk/ --build=Release
# Compile all projects:
$ make
# Compile specific one:
$ make sha256
$ make createZip
...and launch local server in selected project's directory.
- sha256 Calculator
Convert input value to sha256 hash using C++ library.
- ZIP creator
POC: create ZIP package locally (using C Zip library) with provided files via browser's File API.
Used libraries have their licence files included in src