Releases: pinerylabs/project-management
Releases · pinerylabs/project-management
Features Added
- None
Nuisances Remedied
- None
Bugs Fixed
- Dashboard element no longer extend offscreen on mobile
Operations Improved
- Add a special landing page for people receiving the paper letter campaign
- Change landing page to be all static HTML with JavaScript loaded afterward
- Add KPI reporting accessible from the command line
- Fix various small issues which hurt SEO (e.g., title tags, meta tags, etc.)
Features Added
- due dates are colored orange when due soon, and red when over due across the whole application
- all due dates are shown as relative dates across the entire application
- runlogs are sorted by due date (if they have one) on the dashboard
Nuisances Remedied
- default runlog titles are a bit easier to rename
- the dashboard shows the earlier of the runlog's overall due date or the next step's due date
- next steps on the dashboard show the number of step
Bugs Fixed
- clicking the Runbooks logo on not logged in causes an error
- emails notifying someone they have been assigned a step in a runlog now have the correct subject line
Operations Improved
- none
Features Added
- all new dashboard showing a much more complete view of who is working on what runlogs
Nuisances Remedied
- revised all fonts to be easier to read
Bugs Fixed
- none
Operations Improved
- none
Features Added
- none
Nuisances Remedied
- none
Bugs Fixed
- fix display of "undefined" in sign-up email box
Operations Improved
- none
Features Added
- users have the option to sign up from the login page if they enter an unknown email address
Nuisances Remedied
- the "assigned to you" section of the Dashboard only shows one step from each runlog
- subscribers to the Runbooks blog no longer get duplicate release notes emails
- missing padding on runlog step previews while editing
- extra long markdown elements (e.g., tables, links, code blocks, etc.) now scroll horizontally if needed
Bugs Fixed
- pressing "enter" with an incomplete email address no longer attempts to login
- due dates are displayed on completed runlog steps
Operations Improved
- none
Features Added
- Runbooks is now mostly‡ compatible with mobile devices as small as the iPhone 8.
- All steps in a runlog you own as assumed to be assigned to you and will be displayed as part of your dashboard.
- Sample runbooks are automatically added to new accounts.
Nuisances Remedied
- Images with a white background no longer render strangely in runbooks/logs.
- The default title of a new runlog is now the combination of the runbook's title and today's date.
Bugs Fixed
- Completed steps can no longer be edited.
Operations Improved
- The data copied to the clipboard when opening an issue now includes the User Agent.
‡ There are still a few features which aren't available on mobile. These all have to do with editing the actual text of a runbook or runlog. For these functions, you'll still need a tablet, laptop, or desktop computer.
Features Added
- The landing page now focuses on the value of Runbooks for small businesses
- Signup has been simplified to only require the user's email address
- Users now use email login links instead of passwords to log in
- Team admins can change the name of their team
- Runbook editors can add a markdown description of a runbook/runlog
Nuisances Remedied
- Clicking on the Runbooks logo returns you to your own dashboard (instead of the public landing page)
- Revised the runbook & runlog icons to look more clearly like a book & clipboard, respectively
Bugs Fixed
- Record actual completed at time for each individual step (not just the last step)
- Fixed the error page when an unknown page is requested
- Fixed error when visiting with an expired session to simply return to the login page
Operations Improved
- Reduce event logging to only those which reflect user intent (i.e., not API calls)
- Update event reporting to call out which sections of the landing page have been viewed
Features Added
- Users can use a small toolbar to enter markdown formatting & upload images.
- Users can clone an existing runbook.
Nuisances Remedied
- The text box for editing a description automatically resizes to fit its content.
- The markdown help text didn't show how to upload an image to Runbooks.
Bugs Fixed
- Completed runlogs would sometimes fail to render their steps.
Operations Improved
- None
Features Added
- users can cut-n-paste content directly from runbooks & runlogs
Nuisances Remedied
- it's no longer possible to delete the last step of a runbook / runlog
Bugs Fixed
- None
Operations Improved
- all foreign keys now have proper cascade delete settings
- an admin page is now available for assistance with operations
- the landing page has been updated to refer to the new Runbooks blog