This is the duty bot on python
He can reply on your message and tag today's duty engineer with tag him in answer
first what you need is create telegram bot by the instruction like this one and get the bot token and name
If you need to change message text fo reply you need to change them on this file
def reply_message(): message = generate_reply_message(f""" Today's duty officer is {get_duty()} Do you have any questions? Let us know! 🤌 """) return message def reply_message_weekend(): message = generate_reply_message(f""" Today is a weekend, and no duty officers are available. We can assist on weekdays from 10:00 to 19:00 🌚 """) return message def reply_message_out_time(): message = generate_reply_message(f""" Unfortunately, support is only available from 10:00 to 19:00 on weekdays. There's no one available to respond right now, but if your question is urgent, you can call +44444444444; maybe someone will pick up. 🌚 """) return message
second you need to build an image from this repository
docker build -t duty_bot:0.0.1 .
you can replace image tag for push image into your private registry
third you need to made bot is admin on your telegram chat
fourth you need to install helm chart on your kubernetes cluster
cd deploy/helm helm install duty-bot -f values.yaml -n default .
You can upload duty calendar and team map into values.yaml
extraConfigs: |
"""Hour when bot should start answer"""
work_start_hour = 00
"""Hour when bot should stop answer"""
work_stop_hour = 23
"""Number of active days on week(5 days from monday to friday for example)"""
active_days = 7
"""Team members on format (id, name and secind name, email, mobile number, telegram username)"""
team = [
("1", "Alice Show", "[email protected]", "+33333333333", "@usernamea"),
("2", "Mike Cooper", "[email protected]", "+44444444444", "@usernameb"),
"""Calendar data on format (duty_id, date)"""
duty_calendar = [
(1, '2024-07-07'),
(2, '2024-07-08'),
(1, '2024-07-09'),