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Pig Docs

Pig is an API to launch and automate Windows apps. Plug this SDK into your AI Agent apps to give them a computer!

Warning: This API and associated infrastructure are currently in alpha and will undergo breaking changes without warning. Please inform us before you go to prod.

Getting Started

Step 1: Install the Python SDK

pip install pig-python

Step 2: Start Piglet

The Piglet is a process that runs on your Windows machine to drive the automations.

Follow this guide to download it, and start it with the command:

# Start the Piglet server (exposes localhost:3000)
piglet start

# Join through the Pig control plane
piglet join --secret SK-YOUR-SECRET-KEY

Get your API key here

Step 3: Call It Locally

The SDK can be used from the same Windows machine to send automations to Piglet.

from pig import Client
client = Client()

# Select your local machine
machine = client.machines.local()

# Start a connection and send a workflow
with machine.connect() as conn:
    conn.key("super")                     # Press Windows key
    conn.type("hello world!")             # Type text

Step 4: Call It Over The Internet (Using Pig)

Your Piglet can be controlled over the internet by subscribing it as a machine in Pig's API.

Send an automation to it by specifying the machine ID.

from pig import Client
client = Client()

# Select your remote machine
machine = client.machines.get("M-6HNGAXR-NT0B3VA-P33Q0R2")

# Start a connection and send a workflow
with machine.connect() as conn:
    conn.key("super")                     # Press Windows key
    conn.type("hello world!")             # Type text

API Reference

Machine Management

# Get your local machine
machine = client.machines.local()

# Get a remote machine by ID
machine = client.machines.get("M-ABCD123")

Connection APIs

# All operations should use the context manager pattern
with machine.connect() as conn:
    # Keyboard
    conn.type("Hello World")              # Type text
    conn.key("super")                     # Press Windows key
    conn.key("ctrl+c ctrl+v")             # Key combinations
    # Mouse
    conn.mouse_move(x=100, y=100)         # Move cursor
    conn.left_click()                     # Click at current position
    conn.left_click(x=100, y=100)         # Move and click
    conn.right_click(x=100, y=100)        # Right click
    conn.double_click(x=100, y=100)       # Double click
    conn.left_click_drag(x=200, y=200)    # Click and drag
    # Screen
    image = conn.screenshot()             # Take screenshot
    x, y = conn.cursor_position()         # Get cursor position
    w, h = conn.dimensions()              # Get machine dimensions
    # Control
    conn.yield_control()                  # Give control to human
    conn.await_control()                  # Wait for control back

CLI Reference

# List all machines
pig ls

# Example output:
ID                         state    Created
-------------------------  -------  ----------------
M-6HNGAXR-NT0B3VA-P33Q0R2  RUNNING  2025-02-10 23:31