This repository has been created as a coding exercice. Relevant modules used: express, express-validation, mongo/mongoose, passport.js, rabbitMQ,, jade, eslint.
This is a chatroom web aplication that relies on a message broker and sockets to the exchange of messages it also has a bot that responds to a specific command to get stock quotes.
- Allows registered users to log in and talk with other users in a chatroom.
- Allows users to post messages as commands into the chatroom with the following format /stock=stock_code
- Creates a decoupled bot that calls an API using the stock_code as a parameter (, here is the stock_code)
- The bot parses the received CSV file and then it sends a message back into the chatroom using RabbitMQ as message broker. The message is a stock quote that uses the following format: “APPL.US quote is $93.42 per share”. The post owner is the stock bot.
- Chat messages are ordered by their timestamps and the chatroom only shows the last 50 messages.
- Implement tests
- Allow the use of multiple chatrooms
Clone repository
Install dependencies
$ npm install
- Install nodemon globally
$ npm install nodemone -g
- create .env file in the proyect root with the following
# mongo connection string, collections dont need to exist
# the exchange and queue names doenst have to exists rabbitmq creates them on the go
# previous messages shown when user connects
# number of rounds the algorithm uses to hash user password
# server port
- Start the server
$ npm run devStart
The following directions are available to you using the browser:
URL | Site |
/chatroom |
Chat Room |
/login |
Login form |
/register |
Register form |
- Make sure you have mongo up and running
- Make sure you rabitMQ up and running
- Seed all config adn setup in
- Check route difinition in
- Check controller actions in
- Check custom middleware in
- Check views in
- Check models in
- Check services (stock bot) in