Pie Crust allows multiple tokens to be used in a single Aragon voting app. In the current version each token has the same weight and results from the crumbs
(tokens in the crust) are simply added together.
The Pie Crust combines the following functions of multiple MiniMe tokens into one.
balanceOf(address _account)
balanceOfAt(address _account, uint256 block)
totalSupplyAt(uint256 _block)
We require the following dependencies to be installed on your machine
- node tested with 12.18.3
- yarn tested with 1.22.4
- frame tested with 0.3.1 (currently broken on Windows 10)
Run the following commands to get started.
yarn build
yarn test
yarn coverage
There is currently only a buidler task to deploy a crust containing 2 tokens but this can easily be adapted to create multi crumb
crusts. Be aware that making a Pie Crust with a lot of crumbs might significantly increase gas usage which can potentially break your Aragon DAO.
To deploy a pie-crust run the following command:
npx buidler deploy-crust --token0 [TOKEN_0_ADDRESS] --token1 [TOKEN_1_ADDRESS] --name [CRUST_NAME] --symbol [CRUST_SYMBOL] --network frame