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Manually install QIIME 2 plugin

Gavin Douglas edited this page Apr 8, 2021 · 3 revisions

If the q2-picrust2 plugin cannot be installed with conda (likely due to mysterious incompatibility errors) then you can try installing it manually instead.

First, install QIIME 2 and activate the environment, such as qiime2-2019.10 (check the q2-picrust2 conda install instructions to see which environment is correct).

Next, install the latest version of PICRUSt2 (see installation side-bar for more install options):

conda install -c bioconda -c conda-forge picrust2

Next, download and install the q2-picrust2 plugin. Do this by first determining the latest release posted here. Download the latest release, decompress the file, and enter it on the command-line with cd.

When in the folder (which should contain run this command to install the plugin into the current conda environment:

pip install -e .

Lastly, refresh the QIIME 2 cache:

qiime dev refresh-cache

If the installation worked you should see a description of the plugin when you run:

qiime picrust2 --help
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