Object-oriented pipe operator implementation based on RFC Pipe Operator.
Library can be installed into any PHP application:
$ composer require phpfn/pipe
In order to access library make sure to include vendor/autoload.php
in your file.
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
A common PHP OOP pattern is the use of method chaining, or what is also known as "Fluent Expressions". So named for the way one method flows into the next to form a conceptual hyper-expression.
However, when using the functional approach this can lead to reduced readability, polluted symbol tables, or static-analysis defying type inconsistency such as in the following example:
$snakeCase = strtolower(
preg_replace('/(.)(?=[A-Z])/u', '$1_',
preg_replace('/\s+/u', '',
var_dump($snakeCase); // "hello_world"
The pipe library fixes this problem, allows you to chain the execution of pure functions:
pipe('Hello World')
->preg_replace('/\s+/u', '', _)
->preg_replace('/(.)(?=[A-Z])/u', '$1_', _)
// string(11) "hello_world"
See: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/pipe-operator#file_collection_example
$result = array_merge(
function ($x) use ($arg) {
return $arg . '/' . $x;
function ($x) {
return $x !== '.' && $x !== '..';
With this library, the above could be easily rewritten as:
$result = pipe($arg)
->array_filter(_, fn($x): bool => $x !== '.' && $x !== '..')
->array_map(fn($x): string => $arg . '/' . $x, _)
->array_merge($result, _);
To pass a value as an argument to a function, use the
underscore (_
) character:
->str_replace('o', '', _)
->var_dump; // "hell"
You can omit parentheses if only one argument is used:
->var_dump; // bool(false)
To get the value, use one of the options:
$context = pipe('hello')->strtoupper;
// object(Fun\Pipe\Pipe)#8 (1) { ... }
// string(5) "HELLO"
Let's take a simple example of such code:
namespace {
function foo() { return __FUNCTION__; }
namespace Example {
function foo() { return __FUNCTION__; }
Let's try to manage the namespace:
$context = pipe()->use('Example')->foo;
echo $context(); // 'Example\\foo'
$context = $context->foo;
echo $context(); // 'foo'
Please note that the use
function applies only to the subsequent function,
all further operations performed in the current context:
->use('Some\\Namespace')->foo // Call "\Some\Namespace\foo()"
->foo // Call "\foo()"
In order to perform several operations in another namespace, use an anonymous
function as the second use
->use('Some\\Namespace', fn($pipe) =>
->a // Call "\Some\Namespace\a()"
->b // Call "\Some\Namespace\b()"
->a // Call "a()"
Note that the behavior of the
method differs depending on whether the second argument is passed.