Run phpList in a Docker environment
Work in progress, more features coming. The current configuration will not send any emails to the world. All emails will be delivered to the mailhog container locally.
Please note this is a place to experiment with phpList and Docker and primarily for making development easier. The actual docker images are built in the main phpList repository with a Github action when it is tagged for release.
If you want to contribute to the live docker builds, create a pull request there.
You can add "feature requests" to the issue list here though. Then it can be created here and once working well ported to the main repository.
The main aim of this setup is to facilitate phpList development. If you are looking for phpList in Docker, without the need to make any changes, you can find it on Docker Hub
To use this you need to have a working docker environment. Head over to to get started
You need the following commands (I'm reporting the versions I have, Jan 2022)
$ docker --version
Docker version 20.10.12, build e91ed57
$ docker-compose --version
docker-compose version 1.29.0, build unknown
Copy the .env-dist file and save it as .env in your current folder
cp .env-dist .env
Edit the values to match your situation
You can leave the database values, but you will need to set
[email protected]
HOSTNAME is the name you will be accessing your phpList installation on. Port will be the port to connect to. To try it out on your local machine, you can use the defaults.
Once you have set the values in .env, you can run
This will choose between two possible scenarios.
- phpList running from the code in the containers (phplist.yml)
- phpList running from the code on your local machine (phplist-dev.yml)
For the latter, you need to map the code on your machine to the code in the container. You can do this with variables in the .env file.
Wait some time, because the first time the database will be created and configured.
Once it's all set up, you will be able to login to phpList on the HOSTNAME and PORT you specified in the .env file using "admin" as the login and the PHPLIST_ADMINPASSWORD you set in the .env file as the password.
In the above example, that means you point your browser at
and login with username "admin" and password "SomeRandomPassword"
You can map the images and plugins folders to a folder on the host machine with
When you do that, they will be retained when you rebuild the system. Make sure the folders are fully world-writable (hint: chmod 777)
When these variables are absent, the images and plugins will be placed on Docker Volumes.
There are a few config settings you can put in the environment, but probably the easiest way to control the phpList configuration is to map your config file as a volume.
Something like
vi php
Current features in the container are:
- CKEditor Plugin
- Image Upload works (and will be saved when you stop the container)
- All emails will be sent to Mailhog, which you can get to with http://localhost:8025
- For docker-compose, visit
- For docker, visit
- You can choose the version of phpList to run with the PHPLIST_VERSION variable in .env
To reset the admin password run
docker exec phplist_dbhost mysql -u[DBUSER] -p[DBPASS] [DBNAME] -e 'update phplist_admin set password = "NEWPASSWORD"'
To use this docker setup for development of phpList, phpList themes or phpList plugins visit
Here is a quick script to show how to set up a development environment.
- To reset the database run
docker volume rm phplist-docker_dbhost_data
and then restart phpList-docker
- To load your own data into the database, take a DB snapshot, eg "phplist.sql.gz" and run
gunzip -c phplist.sql.gz | docker exec -i phplist_dbhost mysql mysql -u[DBUSER] -p[DBPASS] [DBNAME]