Coreleaf Design
- Philippines
- http://coreleaf.net
noise-rs Public
Forked from Razaekel/noise-rsProcedural noise generation library for Rust.
Rust Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 29, 2016 -
_s Public
Forked from Automattic/_sHi. I'm a starter theme called _s, or underscores, if you like. I'm a theme meant for hacking so don't use me as a Parent Theme. Instead try turning me into the next, most awesome, WordPress theme …
CSS UpdatedJun 13, 2016 -
awesome-rust Public
Forked from rust-unofficial/awesome-rustA curated list of Rust code and resources.
Rust UpdatedMay 21, 2016 -
aesop-core Public
Forked from hyunsupul/aesop-coreOpen-sourced suite of components that empower interactive storytelling in WordPress.
JavaScript GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedMay 18, 2016 -
tool-bar Public
Forked from atom-community/tool-barPackage providing customisable toolbar for Atom
CSS MIT License UpdatedMay 9, 2016 -
theme-update-checker Public
A simple library that eases the process of updating themes that don't exist in the WordPress.org Theme Repository.
UpdatedMay 4, 2016 -
wp-useful-theme-functions Public
A couple of useful theme functions for theme development.
weblit Public
Forked from creationix/weblitA web framework for luvit 2.0 and lit
Lua MIT License UpdatedMar 28, 2016 -
designwithfontforge.com Public
Forked from fontforge/designwithfontforge.comA book about how to design new typefaces with FontForge
gridly Public
Forked from IonicaBizau/gridly⚡ The minimal (~100-170 bytes) grid system for modern browsers.
HTML MIT License UpdatedDec 18, 2015 -
brick Public
Forked from alfredxing/brickWebfonts that actually look good.
HTML UpdatedDec 14, 2015 -
typography Public
Forked from hypertexthero/typographySimple HTML & CSS Typography Template
CSS UpdatedAug 4, 2013