master | develop |
Welcome! The Evennia community has created Ainneve for you to use as a base to learn from and build off of. Ainneve currently is an early work in progress.
The main configuration file is found in
(but you don't need to change it to get
started). If you just created this directory, cd
to this directory
then initialize a new database using
evennia migrate
To start the server, cd
to this directory and run
evennia -i start
This will start the server so that it logs output to the console. Make sure to create a superuser when asked. By default you can now connect to your new game using a MUD client on localhost:4000. You can also log into the web client by pointing a browser to http://localhost:8000.
We recommended you look up Evennia's extensive documentation found here:
Plenty of beginner's tutorials can be found here:
To learn about Ainneve's game systems and world setting, check out our wiki.
If you're looking for what tasks we need help with, look at our current open issues.
To let us know you're interested in helping out visit the Evennia developer IRC and the Ainneve category of the mailing list.
Please submit pull requests as feature branches rather than from your master -- see
Ainneve uses the BSD license, the same as Evennia.
Our game rules use Open Adventure, copyright 2014 Kyle Mecklem and released under the Creative Commons Attribution CC-by-SA license.