Here you can find the different steps to create your first CLI in Java with the Picocli Framework. The main steps of the project are stored each in a separate git branch chronological named with numbers.
This step is the result of the command quarkus create cli fr.wilda.picocli:jarvis:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT --no-wrapper
To run the project: quarkus dev
This step is to create a service to call the OVHcloud API using an SDK.
This step is to init the Jarvis CLI.
This step is to add the OVHcloud API call to display the MKS and account details for a public cloud project.
To test this part: jarvis ovhcloud -m -k
This step is to package in an executable JAR the CLI: quarkus build
To use it:
java -jar ./target/quarkus-app/quarkus-run.jar Stéphane
,java -jar ./target/quarkus-app/quarkus-run.jar ovhcloud -m -k
./ ovhcloud -m -k
If needed, set the
environment variable:GRAALVM_HOME=/Users/sphilipp/local-bin/graalvm-jdk-21.0.2+13.1/Contents/Home
⚠️ if your/tmp
is mounted asnoexec
: change
to a folder withexec
permission by adding the following property on your build$HOME/tmp
or use the experimental building feature:quarkus build --native -Dquarkus.native.container-build=true
This step is to build a native executable with GraalVM: quarkus build --native
To use it:
./target/jarvis-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-runner ovhcloud -m -k
jarvis ovhcloud -m
⚠️ You need to set the following environment variables:⚠️
with your OVHcloud AI Endpoint API key (see
This step is to add the OVhcloud AI Endpoint to the Jarvis CLI.
To test it:
- create the new binary:
quarkus build --native
- test the new CLI:
./target/jarvis-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-runner "Who are you?"
- jarvis "Who are you?"
This step is to add the sentiment analysis on the Jarvis CLI with AI Endpoints.
To use it: jarvis ovhcloud -s "I'm happy to be here"
This step is to analyse the sentiment in a complete text file.
To test it: 'jarvis ovhcloud -f "./src/main/resources/fun-java-poem.txt"
This step is to add the completion on your bash for the CLI.
To activate it: source <(jarvis generate-completion)