This program sends bits to a simple 433MHz OOK ASK transmitter module Used to replace a AC114-01B remote control Button UP / STOP / DOWN only bits for each command were scanned through RTL-SDR dongle + Universal Radio Hacker
2 versions : ESP8266 and Raspberry pi
1 - ESP8266 ESP8266 transmits bits to 433MHz TX module WEB interface & API for remote control Control via simple WEB interface or directly http://ESP_IP/up or /stop or /down
inital Wifi connect throught normal AP for ESP8266. Reset all WIFI settings by 3 seconds press on Flash button
2 - Raspberry Pi Compile the code to get a simple command : Syntax : 433RC_TX up/down/stop [GPIO_PIN] GPIO Pin is optionnal, Default GPIO Pin is 0 (GPIO17) see wiringPi library for pinout
Exemple : 433RC_TX up : sends the data "up" on pin 0 433RC_TX up 2 : sends the data "up" on pin 2
phfu - June 2019