Project name: Filter
Author : Peter hedlund
Python Version : created in python 3.7
Code Version : 4.00
- Minor lower commands area layout changes.
- Allow Purpose in pcmd files as well as flt files to better describe the pcmd.
Library Modules Needed :
- mylib/
- mylib/
- mylib/
- mylib/
Description: Text file search program to allow application of python filters to the input text. The program can run filters (.flt) and Python Commands (.pcmd). Store these file types in their respective subdirectories.
The Reason I wrote this program was to help with my workflow on a project. I had a long, multiple compile project that generated over a thousand lines of output into a text file. I needed a way to quickly find errors and warnings, then clear the output file so I could start another run after fixing the errors. While I thought about a program specifically to deal with this issue, I opted instead to write a generic gui interface that would accept different filters for different jobs and run different python scripts. This allowed me to create the gui once and let me focus on just writing a simple filter to get the job done. To the main gui I have features to select the filter or pcommand of your choice (loaded from the directory at startup). The ability to re-scan both directorys (letting you add filters and use them without restarting the program.) The ability to save and clear the scrolable text window as well as configure the program to remember certain settings. Please note that due to the greater use of the filters then the pcommands, The drop down for the filter has text from the filter file itself. In the filter file the string /# Purpose: Look for strings in log file will put 'Look for strings in log file' in the combo box.
Table of Contents:
- filter.pyw
- filter.ini
- flt/
- pcmd/