工作室首页: Zero2You Studio
Zero2You Studio is committed to developing interesting products.
The meaning of life is to have fun, have fun, and damn well have fun.
Z2Y E&M: 从零开始构建你的一切(Build everything from scratch)
Z2Y R&M: 从零开始搭建你的知识库(Construct your knowledge base from the ground up)
Z2Y DMG: 打包 App 成 DMG 工具(Tool to package apps into DMG format)
Z2Y AI: 你的 AI 管家:本地或远程 AI + Prompt 管理(Your AI Butler: Local&Remote AI + Prompt Management)
Z2Y CMD: 命令窗口管理中心:历史命令存储搜索、便捷查找执行、场景&路径分组、批处理任务(Command Management Center)
Z2Y Water: 为了更好的自己,请多喝水!!!(For a better self, please keep drinking water!!!)
Z2Y Book4?: 垂直专业文档集成工具: 信息统一格式解析,图书 *导入、&构建、%搜索、@打包、¥售卖、!导出。
Z2Y 天问: 从变化中寻找信念、获取勇气,一切答案都在你自己心中。#易经卜筮 #游戏(Ask Change: Find beliefs and gather courage from changes. #TheBookOfChange #Game)
Z2Y Water: 为了更好的自己,请多喝水!!!(For a better self, please keep drinking water!!!)
- BuyMeACoffee.com
- Open Collective
- Alipay | WechatPay (China)