Intuitive Korean steno with Plover. You should first learn how to do normal English steno Art of Chording. It is a Python dictionary and requires the Plover Python Dictionary plugin (get the Plover Python Dictionary plugin from the plugin window in Plover). It works on a Macbook, but it is not tested on Windows or Linux.
Toggle the Easy Korean dictionary by using the Plover dict command plugin:
After installing the plugin, define in user.json:
KRAO*EPB: {PLOVER:TOGGLE_DICT:!,!main.json,!user.json}
Plover outputs English/qwerty letters and your computer translates them into Korean letters using the built-in system Korean keyboard layout.
- Toggle dictionary on when in use. Toggle the dictionary off when not in use.
- Change computer keyboard layout to Korean. Get the Korean keyboard layout in your operating system.
- Start stenoing Korean intuitively.
Note: You have to do one letter at a time. Help/feedback is wanted to make chords a reality.
starting_consonants = {
"regular": {
# consonants
"K": "r", # ㄱ
"TKPW": "r", # ㄱ
"TPH": "s", # ㄴ
"TK": "e", # ㄷ
"R": "f", # ㄹ
"HR": "f", # ㄹ
"PH": "a", # ㅁ
"PW": "q", # ㅂ
"S": "t", # ㅅ
"W": "d", # ㅇ
"SKWR": "w", # ㅈ
"KH": "c", # ㅊ
"KP": "z", # ㅋ
"T": "x", # ㅌ
"P": "v", # ㅍ
"H": "g", # ㅎ
# extra
"TH": "E", # ㄸ
"": "d", # ㅇ
"tense": {
# tense consonants (add *)
"K": "R", # ㄲ
"TKPW": "R", # ㄲ
"TK": "E", # ㄸ
"PW": "Q", # ㅃ
"SKWR": "W", # ㅉ
"S": "T", # ㅆ
"special": {
# adds "y" to vowels
"KW": "r", # ㄱ
"TKPWR": "r", # ㄱ
"TPWH": "s", # ㄴ
"TKW": "e", # ㄷ
"WR": "f", # ㄹ
"WHR": "f", # ㄹ
"KPWHR": "a", # ㅁ
"KPWR": "q", # ㅂ
"SH": "t", # ㅅ
"KWR": "d", # ㅇ
"SKW": "w", # ㅈ
"KWH": "c", # ㅊ
"KPW": "z", # ㅋ
"TKWR": "x", # ㅌ
"KPR": "v", # ㅍ
"WH": "g", # ㅎ
"STKPWHR": "", # empty
vowels = {
# vowels (press * to suppress automatic ㅇ)
"A": "k", # ㅏ
"U": "j", # ㅓ
"O": "h", # ㅗ
"AO": "n", # ㅜ
"AOU": "m", # ㅡ
"AU": "m", # ㅡ
"EU": "l", # ㅣ
# complex vowels
"AEU": "o", # ㅐ
"AE": "p", # ㅔ
# extra/compound
"E": "ml", # ㅢ
"OEU": "hl", # ㅚ
"AOU": "nj", # ㅝ
"OU": "hk", # ㅘ
"AOEU": "nl", # ㅟ
"": "", # empty
y_vowels = {
# "y" vowels
"A": "i", # ㅑ
"U": "u", # ㅕ
"O": "y", # ㅛ
"OE": "y", # ㅛ
"AOU": "b", # ㅠ
"AO": "b", # ㅠ
"AEU": "O", # ㅒ
"AE": "P", # ㅖ
"EU": "l", # ㅣ
"": "", # empty
ending_consonants = {
# consonants
"G": "r", # ㄱ
"PB": "s", # ㄴ
"D": "e", # ㄷ
"R": "f", # ㄹ
"L": "f", # ㄹ
"PL": "a", # ㅁ
"B": "q", # ㅂ
"S": "t", # ㅅ
"PBG": "d", # ㅇ
"PBLG": "w", # ㅈ
"FP": "c", # ㅊ
"BG": "z", # ㅋ
"T": "x", # ㅌ
"P": "v", # ㅍ
"F": "g", # ㅎ
# tense consonants (add -R)
"RG": "R", # ㄲ
"RD": "E", # ㄸ
"RB": "Q", # ㅃ
"RPBLG": "W", # ㅉ
"RS": "T", # ㅆ
"Z": "T", # ㅆ
"": "", # empty
Some features that can improve this idea:
- Chording Ability
- Use hgtk python library, or other suitable solution, to output Korean letters without using the "system keyboard layout" work around.