git clone
cd portfolio/
npm install
npm run dev
Then open http://localhost:3000/ to see your app. The initial structure of your app is setup. You may need to add a few .env
variables read Adding environment variables for more.
Variable | Description | Type | Required |
FETCH_REVALIDATION_INTERVAL | Revalidation interval in seconds | String | ✅ |
DEPLOYMENT_URL | Deployment URL | String | ✅ |
NEXT_PUBLIC_FORM_SERVICE_URL | Form service URL | String | ✅ |
INITIAL_VALUE | Secret value | String | ✅ |
NEXT_PUBLIC_GIT_URL | Git plataform URL | String | ✅ |
NEXT_PUBLIC_LINKEDIN_URL | Linkedin URL | String | ✅ |
NEXT_PUBLIC_EMAIL_URL | Email URL | String | ✅ |
TWITTER_HANDLE | Twitter handle | String | ✅ |
BLOB | App data BLOB | String | ✅ |
GIT_BLOB | Repo data BLOB | String | ✅ |
Locales supported by the application:
This is the Blob structure
- A file at
will need to follow this template:
"startDate": {JOB_START_DATE} [string] (YYYY-MM-DD),
"endDate": {JOB_START_DATE} [string] (YYYY-MM-DD) - OPTIONAL,
"company": {JOB_COMPANY_NAME} [string],
"positions": {JOB_POSITION_HISTORY} [string[]],
"technologies": {JOB_TECHNOLOGIES} [string[]],
"description": {
{LOCALE}: {TEXT} [string]
- A file at
will need to follow this template:
"id": {BLOG_POST_ID} [string],
"author": {BLOG_POST_AUTHOR} [string],
"theme": {BLOG_POST_THEME} [string],
"date": {BLOG_POST_DATE} [string] (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSSZ),
"updateDate": {BLOG_POST_DATE} [string] (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSSZ),
"title": {
{LOCALE}: {TEXT} [string]
"description": {
{LOCALE}: {TEXT} [string]
- Create
files inside{BLOB}/blog/{BLOG_POST_ID}/{LOCALE}.md
named after the Locales.
- A file on each or the projects at
will need to follow this template:
"primaryColor": {HEX_VALUE_COLOR_STRING} [string],
"accentColor": {HEX_VALUE_COLOR_STRING} [string]
- A file at
will need to follow this template:
"name": {PROJECT_NAME} [string],
"repo": {PROEJCT_REPO} [string],
"technologies": {PROJECT_TECHNOLOGIES} [string[]],
"description": {
{LOCALE}: {TEXT} [string]
Now you are ready to use the project, just issue a npm run dev
and you're good to go
This project it's my portfolio page, always beign updated.
Install dependencies:
npm install
npm run dev