This repository contains the following sections:
- Builders:
- ISO builder
- IMG builder (to be implemented)
- Post-processors
- S3 Export
- OCI Export (to be implemented)
- Docs
- Example
go build .
packer plugins install --path ./packer-plugin-kubevirt ""
# If needed, the arg '-debug' will pause the process between each step
PACKER_LOG=1 packer build -debug ./example
Make sure to build and setup the binary with:
# Build
go build .
# Move binary
cp packer-plugin-kubevirt ~/.packer.d/plugins/packer-plugin-kubevirt # Option 1
packer plugins install --path packer-plugin-kubevirt "" # Option 2
Once everything required is set up, run:
PACKER_ACC=1 go test -count 1 -v ./... -timeout=120m
This will run unit tests for all plugins in this set.
- integration tests (packer running against KinD cluster)
- release (manual) for any documentation update
- release (tag event) for the binary