What was provided?
App main description:
- "list all coffee shops from provided database (json file)"
- "Build a native iOS app with a single view containing a list of coffee shop from provided json file"
App requirements:
- Your list should display all the coffee shops in the json file displaying the following informations:
- Coffee shop name;
- Rating;
- Photo if it exits or a placeholder;
- Touching an item of the list should make appear a details page listing every attributes.
- Your list should display all the coffee shops in the json file displaying the following informations:
- Make it beautiful (good example is Today tab on AppStore app)
What's the minimum viable product of challenge?
iOS Application written in Swift, using UIKit framework;
Read an display all elements of provided file;
Basic layout (at least need show all data, and be responsible);
What can be done into MVP:
- iOS Application using UIKit; ✅
- Application using remote API to make more real-world application; ✅
- MVVM Pattern; ✅
- Network Layer; ✅
- Clean layout following suggestion; ✅
What can be done v.2 after MVP delivery:
- Unit tests;
- Integration tests;
- Layout improvement, created using some UI/UX concepts;
What can be done v.3:
- Implementation of Design System into app;
- UITests;
- Snapshot tests;
- CI Implementation + AppDistribution Delivery;
What can be done v.4:
- Usage of Light/Dark mode into iOS application;
- WatchOS application using UIKit;
- Full CRUD backend coded using Fluent and Vapor, and deployed to Heroku;
What can be done v.5 (need to learn):
- iOS Application using SwiftUI
- WatchOS Application using SwiftUI
- Configure base project ✅
- Create project; ✅
- Create main access point; ✅
- Configure SPM (Used Lottie and Alamofire); ✅
- Create mock of API; ✅
- Import all project assets; ✅
- Create Home Scene; ✅
- Create Detail Scene; ✅
- Do the entire base code; ✅
- Make some code-review; ✅
- Make some layout changes to improve presentation; ✅
- Share for Review. ✅