A slim wrapper around the Chrome filesystem API.
npm install https://github.com/peermusic/file-system
var fs = require('file-system')(size, types)
For reference see the Browserify Handbook.
npm install -g wzrd
cd example
wzrd index.js:bundle.js
Note: If no local webserver (eg. wzrd) is used Chrome has to be started with the --allow-file-access-from-files
// Require the module with the (optional) allowed file types
var types = ['audio/mp3', 'audio/wav', 'audio/ogg']
var fs = require('file-system')(types)
// Callback is a Node.js-typical callback that takes an error as the first
// parameter and a possible result as the second
var callback = function (err, result) {
if (err) throw err
// Add a single file to the filesystem
// If filename is not set, file.name will be used
fs.add({filename: '...', file: File}, callback)
// Add a single file to the filesystem using a array buffer
fs.addArrayBuffer({filename: '...', arrayBuffer: ArrayBuffer)
// Add multiple files to the filesystem
fs.addMultiple([{filename: '...', file: File}, /* ... */], callback)
// Get the url to a file from the filesystem based on name
fs.get(filename, callback)
// Get a file as a data url from the filesystem based on name
fs.getDataUrl(filename, callback)
// Get a file as a array buffer from the filesystem based on name
fs.getArrayBuffer(filename, callback)
// Get all files in the filesystem
// Delete a single file from the filesystem based on filename
fs.delete(filename, callback)
// Delete all files from the filesystem